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Son Gokhan
27 points
61 Comment(s)
210 Upvote(s)
Son Gokhan - 1716200255
Oh i get it because she was originally the fourth target on that mission and he finally killed her!
Son Gokhan Loading ... - 1715514847
You insulted me yet again for no reason. I simply said if someone was trying to draw a christ similarity they would probably use dec 25th since his real birthday is unknown, is that a completely illogical claim? Bringing up a meta factor like that the common japenese person not knowing the fact jesus wasn't born on dec 25th and thinking the author might have factored that in is simply trying to back up my theory for how the story might go, not will go. Your acting like i said something crazy like everyone will die as a fact and gave no reason why i think like that then started insulting everyone who disagrred with me, that's someone who confuses illusions with reality
Son Gokhan Loading ... - 1715470326
I have no idea why you changed the goal post here. I was just trying to explain why dec 25th was probably used as a reference to christ (which isn't an outlandish claim taking into account all the other religious references that are in charactersnames, plot elements, and designs, sora quite literally wears a cross with an X over it), at no point did i say my theory was confirmed that is why i put a question mark to ask for other opinions in case others had ideas that we could talk and have fun about. You replied to my first comment as if my logic didn't make sense so i explained it, if that means i am now the author for properly communicating my thoughts i dont know what to say
Son Gokhan Loading ... - 1715421910
Yes bro i know this but from a writing point of view dec 25 makes a whole lot more sense than some random day in June to july. So for symbolism using dec 25th over his actual birthday would make more sense for the readers. This is intentionally supposed to be some kind of christ symbolism and many people would miss that if they didn't use dec 25th especially since this is being released mainly in a non Christian country
Son Gokhan - 1715355501
Piece of trivia: Their has only been one male pink ranger which is exclusive to japen and only happened 3 years ago. The only official female red ranger is in the current season of power rangers in the west. Their are other female red rangers but they in total where on the screen for lile less than 5 episodes so i don't count them
Son Gokhan - 1715343895
Ok i am not a scientist but did sukuna use the flames to create a dust explosion with all the diced up bits of the city?
Son Gokhan - 1715256411
Season 2 announced let's go!!!!!
Son Gokhan - 1714564646
So azuma has jesus birthday. More biblical similarities. So will azuma be the saviour?
Son Gokhan - 1714321697
I thought the war was a civil war between all the sorcerers of japan but it seems they where fighting against some kind of third party instead. Interesting.
Son Gokhan - 1714166316
So the theory that sukunas technique is a kitchen ability is correct
Son Gokhan - 1713830864
So crimson really is a girl? Also I am thinking my theory about the carla's being the traitors a few months ago was spot onAlso this whole cloning thing shows how advanced science was before dragons came in this shows world
Son Gokhan mess - 1711904495
Really. Why did they just randomly stop translating it as cloud gouger thats annoying
Son Gokhan - 1711903174
So the author still does think of taiyo as the main character
Son Gokhan - 1711903133
So cloud broke, does that mean chihiro reforged it into this new sword kuregumo
Son Gokhan - 1711559185
Is she even the idol or did she just ge plastic surgery to look like her?
Son Gokhan innight - 1711407620
Bro what the heck are you talking about, you know the girl in the flashback isn't the girl fighting the men, and that flashback happened years ago. Did you just click on this chapter and start talking shit.
Son Gokhan - 1711130987
Ok so i think that theory about sukuna winning and everyone fusing into tengen, then itadori taking control of the giant tengen as a vessel to beat sukuna is the mostly likely scenario at this point. Because i see no hope in this situation
Son Gokhan BA-N101 - 1710962436
Dying is the easiest thing to do thosuands of ways to do it painfully and painlessly. So if your still alive you simply dont want to die yet, that is the objective truth so please keep living
Son Gokhan - 1710806157
Bro this guy was so in love with his STUDENT before they even started dating that he actually came back from the otherside. I really hope this man does live with regrets the rest of his life