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Well, first discrepancy among gods is human god just disappeared while chasing the creator without anyone knowing. While elven and drwanen god fizzled out with losing there power or function over time.
There is nothing to do with MC having any special ancestry, it wasn't ring's first rodeo with MC there had been many before him (if remember it correct) - said by the bald leader or something of the cult where MC used his new sword to defeat him in end.

And why god was in a ring and not like other gods. Maybe he lost to creator and in last ditch effort he used his power and will to facilitate the future to beat the god and his dungons so humantiy, elves and dwarwes doesn't just die.

Why the ring is female - shit! I don't know, I had this theory cooking before we knew it was a she. But ring did say it was neither he or she. Maybe ring assumed form to suit to the needs of MC
Solcastic Ryn - 1702894795
I think ring is human god - wild guess
The cult who was trying to pollute world tree have to do with creator of the three gods.

But main problem with this theory is who the fuck is king of benzia and how he have those 3 artifacts
A more wild guess, these are player who entered game late and seize those artifacts from the cult. Thats why cult hate the kingdom
Solcastic Baneonplane - 1702864596
It had such good running. Time to find another
Solcastic Nino4life - 1702863963
It think it would have been better to let her go and off her sometime later
But gotta give 002 to intervene the converstaion when someone was going to blab about 005 and 007
Solcastic Feather - 1702863848
If I have too describe that feeling I would say hopeless
Well, I wouldn't say it got boring, it was going good
It just that I got better thing to do, first perchance I played Armoured core 6 then Baldur gate 3 - still playing haven't complete the one playthrough yet
I like gaming best and just becausing i was gaming pretty heavy i got out of habit of reading it every friday
Solcastic - 1702796435
Yeah, my fav isekai manga and favorite mc is back
Jack? What jack are you talking about?
Clearly he wasn't neither impressive nor awe-inspiring enough to remebered.

Per chance if you are talking about jack the ripper in a comment section of fiction to defend a fictional character with putting forward a real life character of history, then..............
Oh! Whenever there was any charcater based on Jack the ripper it had acool design
Yeah, sure, but it is a comic not real life
So do better character design
Solcastic - 1702692114
Why does lantier look so not awe-inspiring, he is supposed to be legend
Solcastic PraizOP - 1702607771
It was dramatic because of the cliffhanger, which a pro gamer move mangaka do to keep interest.

And to further my point, this story/ manga was never was about deal with extreme emotions of loss like death. It shine light on emotion which is quite menial but still important.
So you and many people tried to read into it and speculate what happend - but you were just wrong
I would say the cause was more comment section than anything else
Last chapter's comment section was all about his brother dying in diff ways
Solcastic Savagekiller - 1702501242
I see where all recent art budget went to. And here I was wondering why all lionheart elder look goofy
Solcastic - 1702462662
I like how nobody talking about mc's father mother, essentially aren't they brother and sister
He needs Seol-ah long exposure therapy