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Also makes eense she had such a big debt if she is capable of such violence while also being extremely insane.
Anonymoose Ghetoknight - 1707295609
Ok so I'll describe one of the more simple ones. This one is also not in the strongest category of my creations, but still extremely powerful. The being in question is called Stitcher. It is one of a trio of these creatures that together make up my equivalent of the norns or the 3 fates. They are Stitcher, Weaver, and Loom. In that order. Stitcher stands roughly 20 metres tall, with limbs disproportionately larger than normal. Their arms are thing and almost skeletal, being made of a combination of bone, muscle, and metal. Their fingers are needles with tiny ball bearing like things for the finger joints. They hold a giant needle in each hand, using them to sow up wounds of anyone they choose. The "thread" they use is stored in giant spools that sit in exposed sections of their torso on either side right below the armpits and behind their ribcage. The "thread" weavespast the ribs, each nearly invisible strand twisting together into a single string about a foot from their spools and then lead to smaller spools in the ball bearing like elbow joints that then stretch to the end of the needles. After sowing someone up, they cut off the string with a little hooked sharp blade at the end of the needle and right beside the loop. Then they tap the now stringless needle loop against its corresponding elbow (since they havo one in each hand, so the hook used to cut the string is frome the other needle), reattaching the string. Upon being cut off, the string turns into tissue and heals perfectly. Also their face is just 2 metal slopes on either side with a vertical slit down the centre. Their legs, starting at the knee and below, are also metal, bone, and muscle. They walk on essentially giant spikes. Oh yeah and the needles are ⅓ their height. They can phase through stuff at will so their hands don't get in the way while stitching you up. They also have a upside-down Y shaped cut in their chest that is held together by black stitching. Finally, one last thing. If you try fighting them, know that anything they stitch together heals based on how they stitched it. So if they stitch your hand to your knee and cut the stitching, it's stuck that way.
Funny how Pluton is just too frustrated with what he sees as a flaw to not help.
Anonymoose _russpberry - 1707184458
Pretty much at this point.
Anonymoose Bloop - 1707184428
Look into canadian consent laws and tell me if it's fine, given we don't have their ages nailed down completely. Also check the consent laws in this series's country of origin. Either way I have no interest in an arguement where both parties are too stubborn to change their opinions. We don't have enough information anyway.
Yeah, though there are some that would be interesting to put in this setting. The best I can think of... trivia would be good for various organizations as they could adapt it to test their operatives. My favourite would be Uno, as long as the instructions mention allthe various house rules in a footnote section. Personally I dislike them as it's more strategic without them, but still fun. People can play it however they like. Introducing playing cards would have some interesting results, especially with information organizations as various ways to communicate secretly. As for others that could benefit various folks in murim, Risk, if modified to fit the setting, would be good for training strategists. Basically any game that can be used for something, be it secretive, educational, or simply for relaxing. Hell, I'd just play solitaire.
... thirsty much‐ *wheeze* Honestly, I'm not far enough into my life to have anything to say in this regard, besides good luck on the second! By the way, do you two happen to have either accounts on bato(dot)to or discord and would you be willing to move the conversation there?Just easier to chat there than here as I don't want to share too much about myself out in the open.If you have either I'll provide my account number and such (on a different comment of yours) if that's ok with you.
Anonymoose Ghetoknight - 1707182939
Would you like a description of one of the creatures I've made?
Anonymoose Noissar - 1707182894
Hmm... I feel the best would be dulling the senses and weakening strength. Ideal for training. Restrain their senses and that accounts for any needs with limiting speed and such. More important than just reducing speed as perception affects how fast you can react so you can make more with what you already have.
Anonymoose Noissar - 1707182784
Honestly, it kinda makes sense why this happen given what I've learned from behavioural psychology. Do some research and reading. It's interesting shit and helps make many people's actions make sense.
I am the same, so i try drawing it and then only a few descriptions of what i imagine as a start. Then I go from there... or try to.
Anonymoose Gakuku - 1707182562
True. Always good traits to have for an aspiring withch.
Anonymoose Sebba - 1707182485
Wait so the race is called endelyon or she is?
Anonymoose AVN_Enjoyer - 1707182448
I mean, I'm not against it. But this implies that a council member race was a criminal so that's wild.
He can put the idiots in line, but the schemers get their limbs removed
It's a game made to show the horrors of monopolies so...
Anonymoose Gakuku - 1707123746
Well, the next harvest might be enough... also she seems to not understand how cooking works.
So, what was the bet? I'm curious
Anonymoose Donny_Dont - 1707123644
Also a hilarious scaley ball of luv.
Anonymoose Ryn - 1707123016
I mean, the no. 1 follower of the system that was designed for genocide by a person from germany? Am i getting déjà vu or am I just stupid