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268 points
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that has nothing to do with saying that MC is an asshole or anything of the sort lol
but have fun with your reading bro
Yeah ok, I got omegabaited by this mf

or maybe he's 9, who knows
like u have to be trolling bro
I said that MAIN CHARACTER wasn't evil, nor a jerk, nor forced to do stuff out of circumstances

rather, he's applying common sense to survive

Unless I'm mistaking the "He" as "Park Sihoo" and that somehow we went from MC being a jerk to Park Sihoo deserving to die from Park Sihoo's perspective, but that makes so little sense that I'm just genuinely confused how you got confused
hmmmmmmmmmmm although

if anything, my argument is that with them being the only 2 people in the world, also abusing their knowledge from irl to manipulate life and good fortune in their favour, and the already surrealism of being in another body and having access to the game's systems and functions (like magic, inventory, skills, stats, and other crazy fantasy stuff) it's easier to say there's a constant reminder that this ISN'T his world

that this is only a game, and that nothing in there is really relevant

at least, nothing in there is really relevant if you were alone, but you have a friend who shares your worries (you thought), so I honestly still think it's an attachment issue


Although, with how his hypocrisy is, and the cliches surrounding "drunk on power" stereotype, it's a very reasonable interpretation to say he's just a control freak tbf, I can see how it'd be implied

Maybe it was even both, attachment issues so he can't just off him but megalomaniac (specifically because of dehumanization, even) so he wants to remain at the top of the world

honestly what dosn't make sense to me is why he acted like he didn't know anything about the game before he met mc, who would he be hiding that information from at that point? probably a plot hole or me misunderstanding things, and unrelated to his character (not that his character matters anymore, really just don't like the direction the story wants to take)
Well yeah, the psycopathic nature and gay tendencies (heard he might be a girl irl but idk) alongside the dehumaniztion of the civilization around him leads to his hypocrisy, that's less of a detriment to the manwha and more a conflict that needs to be solved, so I didn't deem it relevant tbf
And NO, it ISN'T both

Yes, serial killings isn't part of his plan, and MC is against Park Sihoo's serial killings by the time of the reveal
but that isn't because mc thinks the plan is ruined due to the serial killings, although he meant to profit of these people (the only arguable part), MC isn't hung over the fact that it went "against" his plan, (especially since it really didn't at all, since he was functioning DESPITE the serial killings, meaning the plan didn't need them and henceforth isn't hindered by their absence)

rather, he's pressed because park sihoo has gone mad with loneliness, anxiety, or power
he's pressed because he very clearly detests the idea that Park Sihoo is killing thousands of people, with no point in the story is it every implied otherwise
No. PARK SIHOO said that MC was PROTECTING people that they WEREN'T able to manipulate, since they would not be upping their friendship level, I presume.

NONE of that statement implies or even REMOTELY relates to the argument "MC wants park sihoo to obey him without question"

You CANNOT be serious, did we actually read the same chapter 1? Be real with me bro
Also, and I'm greatly hurt to say this, in as little offense as possible,

but if I see something as braindead as "if you watch a feminist video on youtube, you'll see that it's completely logical there's no women in the party" then I believe all your arguments should just be reduced to trolling

I don't think I can even exaggerate just to which extent this is a braindead take

it's like a cliche incel take, an absolutely biased take with a stupid point of reference, it makes you sound like you're using this as a factual statement just to self justify your own precognition of women, it's genuinely a take so humongously horrendous that I had a hard time even approaching how I was meant to explain to you that you were wrong
this is like watching a video of a child kicking a puppy and thinking in all seriousness that we should just murder all children because (if you saw that one video where the kid kicks a puppy)
regardless of the consequences, societal detriments, or downright immorality of the statement, you say it with a serious face or undertone

that's the kind of argument you made
"He deserved this ending if you actually put on Park Sihoo's shoes"
No. You did not "put on Park Sihoo's shoes" and it's actually embarassing you think of yourself that way, because NOTHING of what you said matches his perspective at all. Park Sihoo is a player who has been transported to the world alongside our mc, no? They're both going to be in a struggle for survival, especially if the Park Sihoo who seemingly has no grasp on how the game works (not even gonna start considering the weird plot screw up that is "he always knew about everything that he was doing all this time") dies early game when he's their key to success.

Like I've explained multiple times already, this isn't even an evil, much less a necessary evil. It's just "a necessary". If we go to your analogy, it isn't someone who screams of predictions and spoilers, it's you getting mad at the fucking weather channel for giving you a hurricane warning.
"First off, Park Sihoo's idea of having only males in the party is logical, it only takes one typical feminist video on Youtube to understand that"
Oh my god. I'm sorry but the stupidity runs rampant with that statement. Everything from the fact that we're in a fictional world, the fact that a feminist isn't indicative of every female human bneing on the planet, the fact that phyhsical aptitude per the hormones excreted by male human beings aren't the only determining factor to someone's worth in an adventuring party, the fact that in the first place adventuring parties consist of members way beyond simply "brutish warrior", the fact that assuming a woman wouldn't be a "warrior" or adventurer because of political beliefs and discrepencies, or the fact that a woman logically wouldn't in the adventurer's party because somehow they're what? less capable? or that ssomehow the existance of someone stronger than the woman means it's only natural they wouldn't be in the party?

I don't know what you were trying to convey when you said the reason why a fantasy magic using adventurers, the ones with ancient generational sword techniques and mythical equipment, should take reference from a "feminist youtube video" to determine the individuals deserving of relevancy, but any angle I approach this initial argument from is beyond nonsensical...

For the later part of your comment, your previous comment did NOT explain it,a ctually. Your previous comment was very misleading and made mc out to be this sort of evil mastermind that controls Park Sihoo as his slave, which he is not. Rather, like I said, if you feel so deeply enraged by the fact that our mc has input in Park Sihoo's decision making, that's just a personal preference that I heavily disagree with. Going against complete and utter autonomy, to the point of helplessness, in spite of both your needs for survival, just because you "don't want to intrude" or some other mental justification just sounds illogical and dumb to me.

Ghetoknight - 1720789254
sadness is the weak making my goat sad just because they cannot read puny roman numeral

Ghetoknight - 1720789210
As much as this is funny I kinda don't wanna see unc get embarassed infrfont of the cute undead corpse king loli god waifu
Ghetoknight Arnish - 1720788815
peak, that was a fucking peak reveal I am grinning audibly
also, I'm not sure why you added the "obey without question" part

none of that was ever implied, mc not wanting park sihoo to kill women and children isn't a "I don't want him to not follow my plan", it's a "I consider it immoral to not treat them like human beings", and it's easily surmountable that in their entire adventure they both had many conflicts and disagreements, that type of thing I literally would not have minded

Because you're selfishly clinging onto "main character" of the game as if that's something to be proud of, I can already tell this is gonna be a difficult conversation

he isn't dictating every action that park sihoo does, he's supporting park sihoo both practically and in terms of decision making, because he has the privleage of knowing the game's future, and he deems this essnetial to them surviving the world, much less them living comfortably as both wish for (at least from mc's POV at the very beginning of the story)

in the first place even if someone was your slave you could treat them with utmost respect, so I don't even know what you're trying to ask

if you're trying to say he's of bad character in any sort, I can't see it, nothing he's done has been morally or literally wrong
His status as "not the main character" is irrelevant, or is it that the "main character" is just better than everyone for simply existing as the main character, and so somehow mc assisting him is being nosy?

I'm genuinely asking, because the mere fact you're mentioning his status as [not the main character] (a very basic and unimportant story element, for the most part) implies some weird ahh intonations

If all you're trying to say is the idea of him making decisions in support of, or even on behalf of another person is sufficient enough to characterize him as the scum of the earth (over generalization since it doesn't feel like you're specific as to which aspect of him you see poorly) then I'm sorry to say but that's not only incredibly selfish (no offense), ,but also unrealistic.

If I went back in time and coerced someone into not getting cancer, under the guise that I am fully aware that he will get cancer in the future, that isn't being "disrespectful"

if anything, to say he's being disrespectful is to assume his invasive nature without considering the background context (that park sihoo or whatever is fully aware of, btw)
it literally sounds like a line you'd here the stereotypical minor antagonist of a subplot say in riot of the MC
Ghetoknight - 1720787796
who the fuck is the substitute
Ghetoknight - 1720786984
holy shit at this rate I'm actually gonna out comment my points

no, wait
yes, but im losing points because I upvote 50 every day? r u fr myan