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Ghetoknight - 1703403363
the time is too convenient, she was coerced by rakan to bring maomao into a higher position

rakan gonna kick the legs off the stool on he rpedestal again im telling you
something along the lines of framing, probably in the form of a trip up when she's dealing with more important matters im telling you bro the foreshadowing

happened to her mom, her grandad, and now her
Ghetoknight - 1703402104
A and C, with a looming tangle of death/despair
Ghetoknight - 1703398099

2) death flags the shit
Ghetoknight NotusNeo - 1703368545
If you wanna immerrse yourself ina n unhealthy mental state, and depreciate yourself for it, it's better to have someone to blame as a failsafe, because that opens up the potential for redemption and/or acceptance; healing.
Ghetoknight - 1703364108
Ngl I feel bad for both parties, even if they've turned him into the cliche jerk character.

Because, even if we don't always get what we want, he WAS "brainwashed"/lived to believe the word of the state.
Even if that weren't the case, it is of patriot will that they follow order until now, regardless of if they were immoral, so the main hero being a bitch about committing one of the "more" cruel acts he's done is kinda just him being a pussybitch.

Like; I think both have their faults and both are redeemable, even if he's a bit overself confident; he makes well thought out decisions (kinda) and is true to his word
As opposed to the hero who's strong but indecisive

Their only real difference after that is their outlook on the world and actions, but BOTH have committed the same evil acts, and are taught to feel good about it, so the hero doubting himself here is just that (even if opening him up faster for "Redemption"

It's not like he's discriminatory, since he's comrading with vampires, so he's not braindead dumb like the hero.

It's more like "we've survived this long by complying by the city's cruel rules, and have learnt there's no point in questioning things; why the fuck are you hesitating right now" attitude which from that POV is completely understandable.

Anyways severe disstaste for the main hero, and a severe lack of disstaste for the jerk
Ghetoknight - 1703350068
Yeah I'm not feeling it, the revenge isn't nearly savage enough for the emotions he displayed; that is probably a sign of maturity but that just means he has no room to grow
Ghetoknight - 1703321372
To the top comment: assuming those are real humans, it would be ideal toa ssume they hold resentment for the master who ever so tortured them through and through, else I'd call stockholms

they're probably gonna kiss up to him in some "suprise" reveal so he can boast another feat to all the plebs in his current place, but yeah

Honestly the game idea seems pretty fun, this manwha is just SO mid tho.
Ghetoknight - 1703320967
I kinda don't like the characters, or personality.

He like edges the fairy baiting Loki, but then instantly reveals he's loki, ruining the suspense and kinda coming off as cocky
the interjected guilt of his actions potentially killing was contrived, forced and random

not to mention the sudden change in fairy's and jenna's personalities, they're like white boards that serve whatever role the plot wishes

she serves the "concerned humane" character to contrast with mc's "badass, edgy, "live and survive" vibe on moment and the next she's his bitch for god knows why and is having a catfight with a sudden fangirl

+ the cockiness

there's just something distasteful about all the development recently, it's trying to do an underdog type line in the worst way possibie
Ghetoknight - 1703319581
how have I NOT seen a hammer yet brh
Ghetoknight HolyDevil - 1703263765
wait, how did he do that? what ninth path? he just pulled out god erasure??????
Ghetoknight SSS - 1703232727
Oh this would be cool
No, I'm confused, did they not plan on condemning the criminals (traffickers), or are they just killing them???

Those people are gonna go down in history as tragic lives lost in a preventable disaster, and by simply cutting connections with the trafficking industry in the form of hiding the evidence, instead of allowing the "rich and wealthy" to come out of their shells and confront; potential plotlines are narrowed AND aforementioned industry goes unchecked, so this can't be all there is to it.
I mean he hasn't poked anything yet, if DK guy had any detection skill then he would have been negated
Reincarnated from their world (with that homonculus stuff) or another world, salaryman probably doesn't exist in their world so he'd have to be a hero;

but it's also extremely convoluted (his backgrounds) if he WAS a hero

or he's just a raw summoning by the demon army, but that doesn't explain his variety of skills or god's curse

so many questikons
Ghetoknight kloby - 1703232226
Literally I logged onto MK to suggest this manga, it's in my tops rn

and I realised it was already here...

but yeah I have no idea how, pinging the bot before was already inconsistent as is