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Kanojo mo Kanojo (Girlfriend, Girlfriend). I don't know which chapter, but I know the character is Hoshizaki Risa
HermitHarry15 I am him - 4 months ago
She is most likely his mother (I'm 90% sure). Calling him Onii-Chan was probably something done back when little sister was born and growing up and simply stuck around. Allows the kid to get used to informal family callings. An irl example that I have witnessed is when a dad called his wife "mama" because their 2 year old is near and they wanted their kid to associate that word properly. Happens everywhere and may be pretty common depending on where you live
HermitHarry15 Cannibox - 8 months ago
Expensive for the average person, but she's the Lunar Princess. So probably pretty loaded with money, unless it was stated otherwise from a previous chapter
HermitHarry15 - 11 months ago
Nah, after getting splashed with water I would've just left her. She just doesn't understand what situation they are in. I don't care about sugarcoating it. They probably won't die, but it is SUPER annoying to be outside on an island with someone messing with you the entire time with a good chance to be hungry and thirsty the entire day.
Anyone can correct me if I am wrong. But people did not give up on the outside world. The Tower just showed up one day and anyone can enter, but you cannot leave once you do so. The regular world is perfectly fine and if you were born outside the Tower and had no desire to enter the tower then you would live a completely regular life. Since no governments have any major holds in the Tower, it became a place for criminals, refugees, orphans, and outcasts. Basically people who feel they have no place in the regular world and needed a place to go that they thought could be better.

Then as explained earlier in the story by the current five major guild leaders, the Tower was a place of chaos at first and labeled as "Society's garbage can". Five of the ten major guild leaders came together and purged the Tower of it's "evil and chaos". Which reduced the top ten major guilds to it's current five. This allowed the Tower to function better as an actual society and gave it a slightly better reputation. Of course, it was still mainly seen as a place for outcasts to go. But by the actions of the main character in the recent arcs, (and those said actions being broadcasted to the outside world) he has drastically changed the outside world's thoughts on the Tower's society. Which has made outside people, who aren't outcasts, want to go into the Tower

There's a lot more I can say, but I've gone on for long enough and that's the gist
From what I remember being told, it's due to having learned/experience more things. As a kid, you don't know all that much and as such time seems slower since you are trying to understand new things and perceive more. As you grow older, you have learned a ton of more basic things and that leads to daily things being more mundane. Your brain then blurs together mundane things that you often do everyday and that makes it feel like you've done things less often than you actually have. Thus days, weeks, months, or even years seem to fly by.
HermitHarry15 Quad - 1 year ago
I think the carriage hit a big bump or rock.
Various sources say they want to cover all 20 volumes of the web/light novel in 5 movies. Yea, I don't have high hopes. Either they cut a lot of stuff or things are gonna be really rushed at certain points
HermitHarry15 - 1 year ago
The handwriting on that afterword is not the worst thing I've ever read. I knew a guy in high school that could not read his OWN handwriting, it was that bad.
HermitHarry15 - 1 year ago
I hope to see more Ur and Ashe. Their dynamic is nice
HermitHarry15 - 1 year ago
For people saying this is axed read the first page of chapter, 3 "Continuation is greenlit!" This is probably a pre-serialization now and an official serialization will be out at some point.
HermitHarry15 - 1 year ago
Did people not read the very first page? "Continuation is greenlit!" This is probably a pre-serialization now and an official serialization will be out at some point.
HermitHarry15 :) - 1 year ago
The gold coins have Abraham Lincon's face on them. The joke is they are worth a penny cause of that. Imagine using 100 gold coins to buy a $1 chocolate bar. Sounds like inflation to me