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Mai Zenin
342 points
34 Comment(s)
8 Upvote(s)
Mai Zenin 1mp - 1 year ago
Same. But for me, it's me and my dad.
Mai Zenin - 1 year ago
I have a good relationship with my family but I've never been like the guy with my parents. My attitude is more like Ritsuko's. I just wanna be alone man. I wanna be independent without having to call my parents all the time just cos they constantly wanna be in contact.
Mai Zenin - 1 year ago
U know a manga's old when it has the iPhone 4 and flip phones in it. I miss the old days for some reason eventhough my life was never that eventful.
The glasses guy's acting like smoking is somehow beneficial to society.
Mai Zenin - 1 year ago
Girls will say "Y doesn't he propose?" after they've been together for so long but then never bother to take the initiative at all. This is the same thing with online dating apps and real life dating, never taking the initiative and just waiting for the guy to confess as if he might have a crush on her like she does on him.
Mai Zenin - 1 year ago
Y do Japanese audiences always flock to trash stories but they'll ignore shit like this? This deserved more.
Mai Zenin - 1 year ago
This manga hasn't been updated in a year. What happened? Also, I wish I could rely to these comments. I hate this new system.
Mai Zenin - 1 year ago
I hate this trash new commenting system. Now I can't even reply to old comments and the og accounts r gone.
Mai Zenin - 1 year ago
Y does it have to be 1 chapter only? Come on. This deserves a full series. Actual trash will get full series with 100 chapters but this only gets 1 smh. It's horny and a bit wholesome. The elf's titties r a sight to behold. The only problem is that the guy is kind of a wimp but he's not too bad.
Overall, I enjoyed this but I wish it was a full series. It would've been nice to see how the elf got here and to see their relationship dangerous. I'm gonna have to rate this a 6/10 since it's just a compilation of short stories.
Finished: 19th February 2024, 09:45 am.
Mai Zenin - 1 year ago
Off course there has to be some random fat drunk guy who makes fun of the main girl and is about to physically assault her. I highly doubt actual drunk Japanese people say shit like this and try to assault teenagers even if they're drunk. But maybe they do. Who knows. And ain't no way Alya thinks she can square up to a guy 3 times her size.
Mai Zenin - 1 year ago
This student council bullshit needs to fuck off. I don't get wtf is the obsession with the student council. Just cos it's fiction, doesn't mean it's not stupid. Mangas treat the student council like it's on the level of an actual government. And will we ever get some romantic development? U know, the thing everyone is reading this for?
Ever since they implemented this trash commenting system, u can't find anyone anymore.
Mai Zenin -_- - 1 year ago
She's not forcing it on others. She just expects others to do their part in a group project but they don't. She's right.
Mai Zenin - 1 year ago
Authors really do good jobs at making u hate pieces of shits like them. I know they're only 9 but still.
Also, what kind of teacher gives 9 year olds presentation homework? That's too much for children.