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My brain is fucking fried bro this shit is the most degenerate fucking manga I've read in my whole life atleast metaphorsis has a good ending this shit is diabolical.
ShadowCloak13This is a necessary death and the more reason Bjorn and Misha needed to part ways with their current team. And that Dragonborn still OP since the Balance of power only balance the stat not the overall capabilities. If that old man didn't interfere Bjorn and the others journey ends here at this moment Bjorn is still relatively Lucky despite the encounter he faced.
TheBaldGuyi mean i watched it once 3 years ago and rewatched it currently i totally forgot about the manga being this good now i feel like i wasted my time re finishing the anime should have just read the manga
Satans Adopted SonSmart, but isn't it better to buy house at suburbs? There you can even built basement without interfering the pipe & underground cable like in the city.
DudefromAlHiemRegressed son of a duke is an assassin this is me getting flamed in the comments https://mangakatana.com/manga/the-regressed-son-of-a-duke-is-an-assassin.27264/c65#comment-2
ChingarunaOh gee....the ham lives. And he is also a head of a Yakuza as well. Small wonder he is dangerous, but what boggles me mind is that he is also....target his bully friend? Pardon me? Isn't this sounds like a bit harsh here? To see the even a head priest being easily bribed is double the disgust as this jerkish police chief himself. How protected that ham really is, exactly?
Also, back to the head bully for a minute because exactly WHAT right does he has for saying about "making the perpetrator pay" and he has his goons have been terrorizing the school. With the last plan has failed, it looks like the head honcho has gone over the edge here...
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