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Mai Zenin
342 points
34 Comment(s)
8 Upvote(s)
Mai Zenin - 1 month ago
Off course he fucking forgets. These authors and their shitty writing smh.
Mai Zenin - 1 month ago
Off course the guy is busy another stupid pussy bitch who let's the girl boss him around and insult him. Off course he has no guts to stand for himself even when in her body. Off course Japanese authors can't fucking write a male who isn't a bitch.
Mai Zenin Phyrite - 1 month ago
U could watch the anime. It has 2 seasons.
Mai Zenin - 1 month ago
I wanna smash the fucking shit out the stupid swirly pigtail bitch and wipe that smug off her face. He should've threatened to rip off her clit.
Mai Zenin - 1 month ago
Off course there has to be some stupid nutshot smh.
Mai Zenin - 1 month ago
Rediscovered this cos I'm cleaning my tabs but this manga is sad imo. I hate the abusive tsundere and bullying the guy trope but most of the girls in this aren't even that bad. t's just way too much. Correct me if I'm wrong but doesn't one of the girls in the kill herself cos of the guy? I just can't find that entertaining in anyway.
Mai Zenin - 1 month ago
I would love to read this if it wasn't dropped after only 24 chapters.
Mai Zenin Alt.Zero - 1 month ago
I can't believe an author could write such a retarded ending. Y did he think that was a good idea?
Mai Zenin - 4 months ago
I hate that they censored the milf's ass angle from the last chapter, the boob angles and Karane licking his belly in the anime. These studios r such pussies.
Mai Zenin N-Kami - 1 year ago
No one wants to see a guy's dick be his whole personality.
This is the gayest shit I've seen in manga probably. I never wanna see this again.
Mai Zenin - 1 year ago
Wtf did I just come across? I was scrolling through the chapter cos I saw tits and was thinking to myself, this would never get an anime and if it did, it would be heavily censored. Then I saw the gayest shit I've seen in manga. 🤮
Mai Zenin - 1 year ago
No comments huh. Looks like there was a big gap between the release of the last chapter and this one.

Also, I hate this new comment system change. They should've stuck with disqus. I can't really to a lot of comments anymore and also, so many old frequent users of the site probably no longer comment anymore cos of it, like the Good Christian guy.
Mai Zenin - 1 year ago
This is a nice outcome and all but it's just weird how openly everyone's talking about their sex life to each other. I assume this is just a manga/anime thing.
Mai Zenin - 1 year ago
The first girl sounds like she lives in a delusion. Sex 3 times a week somehow means he's cold too u? At least try to think about what u just said.

If ur relationship is at risk of ending or ends due to lack of sex, then ur just shit at managing urself. There r millions of religious people who go their entire lives without sex until marriage and non-religious people can't handle it? Really? Masturbation is ur choice if u wanna stop ur sexual cravings.

I don't know if it's just a Japanese thing but who actually talks about their personal sex life so purely with their friends? Maybe if ur not in a relationship, sure but it's weird when u have a partner.

Like the comment below me said, they should experiment with sex. He said long socks turn gun on, so tell her that and ask her to wear them. Maybe it'll work.
Mai Zenin - 1 year ago
This is just sad. Y the hell did they break up? They seemed like such a good couple. She's pretty cute as well. I wouldn't have minded if she was his gf either. I would love to see more of their past together.
Mai Zenin - 1 year ago
It's probably not intentional but this just makes it seem like she insulted him. him. has a pretty good relationship with his ex. I wonder what led to them breaking up.