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yilo gustavofoxy1 - 1709268059
i dont think we can use the "it should have been me" memes enough when reading this one.
yilo User-8871353662 - 1709268009
if you want to reach bot, click on a chapter of any manga/hwa/hua. scroll to the bottom of chapter, there is a report button. in that field you can write your complaint/request to the bot. since bot cant respond you never know of it is added or not.
yilo Dragorize - 1709267905
you arent using your imagination brother, he has pole powers, aka extendo dicku. no height is a pain to reach for this man, he could probably stack 50 of them and still reach the top and bottom with ease.
yilo Segan - 1709264917
you can contact bot via going to a chapter of anything, at the bottom of chapter there is a report button/feature. you can write your request or complaint to the admin via there. as for you not being to delete your post. i'd recommend just unblocking them for a few mins. going back to that post(s), deleting them and then blocking them again. as far as i know you cant do much with the new comment system in your profile page. i hope this helps buddy.
i read this story after reading your comment, i was like is it actually that bad? i agree with everything you have said, some of the stuff author has written make sense so it doesnt feel bad. but later on when s2 rolls around. things go from decent manhwa to kill time to absolute dogshit, then to a baby diaper dumpster set on fire rolling through the streets.

s2 makes me like reading the chinese manhua more. at least i know what to expect from those stories. even if all else fails they make me laugh with how absolutely stupid/ bizarre they are.
yilo yilo - 1709263828
Q: should you as a person read this story?
A: absolutely... not, s1 was fking peak. it could compete for one of the better/best manhwa's on the market. s2 feels like its written and drawn by amateurs. like i read up ch59 which is latest chapter as of 1st of march 2024. all i could think of was, i know i am reading scion of the mages, but am i perhaps reading a fanfiction version? i go back to s1 to read a chapter come back to s2 ch58. it just doesnt hold up. what an utter waste of time. it just left a shitty after taste in my mouth. i loved s1 so much but s2 has pretty much killed this series. truly a disgrace.

conclusion: dont even bother honestly...
yilo - 1709263809

premise: shitty author of a shitty story dies because he cant handle valid critisism, he gets told by god/angel/higher being: "your writing sucks balls, as punishment you shall go into your story and fix your mistakes", he gets reincarnated as one of the side characters and has to survive, crazy siblings, assassins, poisoners, dipshits and crazy scenarios all with the help of a little thing we call plot armour.

[ art s1 8.5/10 ] in s1 the art looked fking stunning, it wasnt on the level of "her summon" but you could easily compare it to the best manhwa's and it wouldnt fall shy.
[ art s2: 4.5/10 ] they changed either artists or they started to use ai for the art because it feels generic and it feels dead. there are some scenes which have alot of detail in them those look pretty but the rest of it feels cartooney almost.
[ story s1: 7.5/10 ] it was fun to see how the mc was tackling challenges he wrote himself into, him discovering stuff he didnt mean for or happened because of accidents was nice. the fact that he got rewarded for even farting was a little disappointing.
[ story s2: 4/10 ] the accidental discoveries were dialed up to 11, the plot armour easily saving/ giving mc all of the bullshit rewards felt shitty, the characters who were developed and well fleshed out in s1 being absolutely wasted in s2 felt like a slap to the face. i am referring to ch58 and onward. what disgrace and waste of all that time and effort.
[ character development s1 7/10] we learn about the sidecharacters, their backstories, we see them grow and understand their feelings and they dont just feel like carboard cutouts.
[ character development s2 3/10 ] what the fk man... the only person who got a little bit of development was lucia. rest of the cast felt like they downgraded and lost alot of their charms, they feel like static pieces on a chess board just moving to make the story progress, they have essentially died. or might aswell have...
[ manhwa overal rating 4/10 ] what the actual fk happened between s1 and s2... it feels as if the author of the story died irl during the writing of the story after the end of s1 and an assistant took over to write s2. the art took getting used to at s2, i didnt hate it at first but as time went on and i was comparing it to s1 it felt like a shitty ai ripoff... the characters and worldbuilding in s1 were pretty good, not the best but pretty good. in s2 they feel like garbage, the story tries to focus more on the worldbuilding in s2 but its so baaaaaaaaad... idk it left a very shitty after taste in my mouth.
yilo - 1709262084
well thats it i guess, i caught up.
yilo GI.Fullshot - 1709262039
3 reasons.
1: make audiance hate evil villain sister even more.
2: make mc and friends despair and experience loss.
3: set them up for future to learn from their current mistakes.

totally unnecessary at this point in time and a fking waste of a great character.
yilo - 1709261586
what is the fking point of all this? to make us hate her even more than we already do? bruh we get it she is a bad guy. but this is just pointless drama and clickbait tactics... what even is the point of a lvl80 person bullying someone who is lvl30. we know the lvl30 guy cant do shit against lvl80. it feels unnecessary, they wanna build up suspense and character build for everyone by setting the 3rd sister up as a evil villain for mc and friends to take down. but i feel like they could done this waaaaaaaay down the line when mc has to actually fight her to make things more intresting. imagine in 100 chapters when 2nd and 3rd sister are fighting for power. mc decides to face 6th brother, finishes him off quickly because he is a shitter. then he tells ivelia "let me and my friends face her, we need to get payback" then we see the 3rd sister go fking all out, beating all of their asses, cutting peoples arms and legs off and she does the psycho evil smile as she tells him that he is gonna break all of his pets and then we have mc vs 3rd sister. that would be perfect time to have the scenes of this chapter. her burning this village and hunting the golden tiger clan to extinction almost even after their upgrade. that would make her such a fking boss.

this right now, feels like a whole lotta wasted effort. like putting the carriage before the horse if you will.
yilo Mogus Man - 1709258688
crows are like top 10 smartest animals in the animal kingdom that can even use tools. they are criminally underrated in this story. it would have been better if they were written like the owl spirit from ATLA. mysterious spirit librarians.
yilo - 1709210484
everyone in this comment section is a bunch weak mfkers who have never read a 20 chapter one piece background characters background story to cry for 3 weeks. you all disappoint me.
yilo - 1709180643
fight fight fight! hopefully some clothing gets destroyed.
yilo User-6951551693 - 1709177444
:) i try not to spoil things but i think i might have failed.
yilo IsekaidInfinite - 1709174030
i am here for some fried chicken pls
yilo - 1709171205
to answer arnish, he is indeed correct. who? is the most correct answer. but the follow up question: "that girl over there". you now have to come up with a clever answer to not acknowleadge the fact that the other girl looks pretty, while complimenting her or make her laugh with a cheesy one liner. if you fail at this, your girl will start to take mental notes of your mistakes, and you can only make so many mistakes before the dam breaks or the straw that breaks the camels back. so be careful out there soldiers.