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1494 points
232 Comment(s)
971 Upvote(s)
Bubonikz E P! - 1724759063
You know, sometimes you don't even realized the impact you can leave on a person.
Bubonikz Miron - 1724737880
Do not worry bro it's okay.We're all falling for something sometimes. The important part is to stand up and start walking again. Nothing is shopping you from a good wank on Hebikawa or any hentai, like, "A monster hospitality" from Mizone.
Bubonikz - 1724685071
I wouldn't have guessed the father would be like that. That's an interesting development cause it can sadly be true.We're all sometimes put in front of hard situations, and the people we aim our anger at aren't the one at fault, or sometimes even in the same boat than us.
Bubonikz Mangaguy - 1724622424
Don't waste your time anymore, some of us were trying to explain something to you but you're sticking in your arguments saying we are the wrongs to not understand the world.Thanks Mr.Special Snowflake, arguing is meaningless with you.
Bubonikz Mangaguy - 1724619628
How could the blame be put on him if he's not responsible for the act of individuals ?Speaking with you is useless dude, i didn't even read past your question.
Bubonikz - 1724600220
SooooooI was reading it and having fun. The story is quite simple, a romance between two students in a slice of life manga is something classic.I was enjoying the fan service, with a lot of FeetShots, nothing too much Ecchi (Yeah some shots are free, where she isn't wearing anything under a robe, but you never actually see boobies, butt or worse) but then...Two things.In Chapter 6 you got to see her butt (Start to put the Ecchi tag for real). Her butt in a pretty suggestive lingerie that you usually wear when preparing for sex. It's not something you wear for yourself everyday. Aaaaaand i would be able to close my eyes on it and accept the Ecchi (i mean it's in the tag i was prepared) except... They're middle schooler. And Middle Schoolers are between 12-15 yrs old. Even if they're 15 yrs old, this manga is sexualizing young underaged people and it can be a bother for a lot of people so be wary of that.Too bad cause it wasn't the manga of the year but it was something enjoyable.
If you got no problem with that, feel free to go.
Bubonikz - 1724599046
So many feet shot for the degenerates...I'm in
Bubonikz - 1724589214
Author has a weird kink (no kinkshaming obviously, i' worst) for farm girl no?
Bubonikz - 1724566589
Then in which way were you meaning it you thot of a Witch ?
Bubonikz Mangaguy - 1724565012
What is making no sense is you not wanting to understand that if a merchant or anybody else is taking the seeds it ISNT THE MC RESPONSIBILITY. In this case of politics the immediate gain would be far less profitable than the future loss because he would have to face the consequence alone. It means that the royal family could be blamed by everyone. Imagine if Puyol came and be like "Because of you we lost a big income of money, you made a mistake, the councelor are no longer believing in you, i' taking the power", it could be case. But, MC can't be blamed for that if they just take the seed on the ground.
Bubonikz Mangaguy - 1724485989
It's politics.He would have gain a small benefit in short term, but nothing prevent them to immediatly cut this benefit right away they don't need it anymore because that's how politics work.Then he would have suffer the backslash from his peers in a long terme.
Plus as he said, there are repercussions on the ecosystem. Imagine they introduce a species of wasp or termites that will cause a big ruckus, it would be his fault.
Bubonikz SadDrake13 - 1724299155
Honestly i find this manhwa really disappointing.Art is really impressive and marvelous but the story is really low. An overpowered MC stealing absolutely all the fame (At least in One Punch Man, everyone is interesting), everything is always being destroyed without concern, the plot is progressing but without any depths, there is never reasons or scheme, you suddenly learn one is evil, they're fighting, enemy is down, progress to the other, MC is fanbased to the point it become ridiculous... Rinse and repeat.
Bubonikz - 1724298324
I don't understand why they chose to go together, if this is the place with the hardest difficulties.
I mean, the vice chief should be able to command, and selecting the strongest one, for the stronger stage. Yet they rush there like it's nothing, no one knowing the true level of MC, even Juha (not sure of her name) being like "Don't worry i'll cover you"
Bubonikz - 1724233297
The General idea of bonding with Monarchs descendants, previously ennemies, to defeat new foes is really interesting, but i've got a problem like in SL. MC is starting to progress because he want to train, because he's fighting enemies and other shits, but in the end, it's always "you got a god in you" "merge with this omnipotent being" and BOOM power's rising because of that and not because he tried to push his limits
Imagine stumble on a guy reading 212 chapters of a manga, which one is trying to explaine how easy it is to flip human mind to war when some tries their best to do peace, only to see him commenting "i DoNt UnDeRsTaNd WhY hEs CuCk"
Bubonikz - 1724059540
Stay pure.But what if...
Bubonikz - 1724045045
Gudrid is a very good wife (and inspired from the real Gudrid), she had a good character development, but a part of would have loved to see a Thorfinn X Hild ship haha
Bubonikz - 1724011689
Author-sama, the ship has already set sails.You can't pull out Kyo and Ayame now, it's too late.Don't you dare.
Bubonikz - 1723890263
Frequent releases for this gem of a manhwa ? I'm so happy
Bubonikz - 1723804000
The wait was so long.I missed Asano huge badoonka's releases...