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468 Comment(s)
53 Upvote(s)
Manga/Animelover123 - 1731104419
Mr. Cat is awesome.
Manga/Animelover123 - 1730967800
He just outed that guy with no reservations.
Manga/Animelover123 - 1730967310
When the other party just will not take No for an answer even after you clean their clock a few times gently. Time to break out the large size can of Whoop Ass industrial strength.
Manga/Animelover123 - 1730733368
Yeah, the way to show a friend that has saved your butt a thank you is to attempt to ram him in the back with a spear and then laugh about not doing it correctly. We all need friends like that, NOT !!!
Manga/Animelover123 - 1730686506
Why do people just stand around when bad stuff is happening over their heads and all around them? Me, I would be moving as far away from the scene as I could get. It might not save me but it would give me more time to think of ways to survive
Manga/Animelover123 - 1730670561
Nope with the name Le roy you are not the strongest demon force, but you will find that out a little later. Le roi , my goodness who makes these names up?
Manga/Animelover123 - 1730667310
I can't with this girl, entering some ones home without permission is a pet peeve of mine and I do not like seeing it in the stories I read. My family does the same type thing, bringing over food or whatever as an excuse. I love them but this behavior is so wrong. It is very annoying to awaken from a sound sleep and find someone in your home in your frig putting up groceries that you did not need or want.
Manga/Animelover123 - 1730424659
In 3 months they could not get the people some shoes and clothes to wear while training? How did the villains not find out that many people were training in the middle of the night in an open field? Just wondering.
Manga/Animelover123 - 1730421296
Well he did not just get his taste and smell back, he also got a lot of new friends and opened up his own restaurant which is a big step from where the story began, He was in a drunken stupor depressed because of his senses lost. He was able to get a part time job that then blossomed into a regular job. I do wonder where he got the money to afford that game since it is said that it was not cheap. When I am depressed I usually want to listen to music not play games, but to each his own. Sorry this ended because I really enjoyed it.
Manga/Animelover123 - 1730414898
Always have food nearby when you engage with this series, it really helps. I just had ramen noodles chicken flavor with spicy red pepper, it went well with those perilla noodles.
Manga/Animelover123 - 1730414319
Will this be the point where they get to know each other really? They have already met but she did not know who he was.
Manga/Animelover123 - 1730312905
Indeed that was worth waiting for. He had it coming and he got it. Yes, I feel so good after reading this. I really thought she would go the other way.
Manga/Animelover123 - 1730269441
Dude was keeping a dagger in his breast pocket and wonders where the other guy got a sword? It was in his pocket naturally, Duh.