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75 points
13 Comment(s)
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Real - 1730315952
MC Is such a stupid shit. I know many won't be seeing this comment but like you know that mfker will try something so why not move to another hospital? He didn't just put himself to danger but also pateint of his to danger..just charge him to case of stupidity lmao what a dumb plot
Real - 1729700824
Well his father is duke of city grake which seems economically stable and probably has good soldier army so these are the things I'd do as the new duke:
1.I would hire soldier trainers from the grake city and teach soldiers swordsmanship and martial arts. This would boost my military power and morale of soldiers.
2. I would do the same as dedran and make corrupt politicians trust me and find evendence to link with criminals.
3. I would then later after soldiers are trained perform raids and also take a lot of soldiers temporarily from the grake city for the raid.
Real - 1729700317
Well.... Why not transfer officially a soldier trainer from the grake city or the imperial? Even an ordinary soldier would suffice to teach them basics of swordsmanship and I am sure a first knight order vice commander has the power or even duke of the city has the power to do that?
Real - 1729338413
Real Gardez70 - 1729305922
Tf is wrong with you 😭
Real Wild432 - 1728852816
I meant to say like even at those cases people rarely choose the baby but yet it's stupid in this scenario that he chooses a possibility of a baby. Not even a baby but a possibility with the risk of his wife? Idk man that's way too foolish. Also he never truly loved her cause real love means loving them as they are not with the what they might be. Anyway I hope you understand what I was tryna say. I am dropping this manga cause it's sh*t now. It was good in the prior arc before school arc
Real Wild432 - 1728672928
There might be those cases but rarely. And personally I feel those people are just stupid cause anytime a human with memories over a life that's yet to be explored. Plus I think Its a bit unfair for the wife who is unconscious at that time letting someone else decide her life
Real - 1728632189
Guys after reading it till the latest chapter I think
Real - 1728632021
Wtf is this garbage story. Pew pew, light wooo magic and alsoooo dark exist..... Yeah rivals, yeahhh and also light might be bad guys but then again no dark is the one that was bad after all!!!!!! 💀🖕 Dog shit story and plot line. Could have used this budget for making other famous and good light novels into manga or manhwas but nooo!!! Infinite mage go brrrrr
Real Wild432 - 1728630494
Yes. In real life example, let's say their was a situation where your pregnant wife would give birth but only your child or your wife would survive. Without a doubt my answer would be my wife and I am choosing over a life that I have spent 9 months of excitement of him/ her being born yet id still choose wife. But yet,here he takes a chance for a possibility that hasn't even been into existence. Love isn't like that, author really might be a 10 year old with no relationship experience. You can't say you loved someone when you are expecting her/him to change afterwards...
Real - 1728499281
Manga seemed promising until red haired b came N
Real - 1728471655
Idk man the first few chapters seemed very promising but now it's pretty plotless