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Kareshy Usama - 4 days ago
No, it's a reference to the sitcom Happy Days, during a lull in one season where they weren't sure what to do with an episode they just had Fonzie, the most popular character, jump a literal shark on water skiis. So OP means they're worried the author has run out of interesting things for now and is going to fill time with nonsense until they can think of something else.
Kareshy - 5 days ago
That's a lot of presumptions about who the hero is.
Gonna be funny when they get slapped by an entire family.
Kareshy - 6 days ago
What I like the most about the revenge plot is that there were so, so many stages at which this woman could avert disaster for herself. From the earliest where she COULD have just used her knowledge to seduce someone, even multiple men and live in luxury forever, or the aftermath where she could have shown mercy to Remilia and Emi, who had never done anything at all to her. Even afterward, by working hard and establishing her own credibility properly, she could have had more to say, more allies, people might have been less positioned for Remilia to manipulate for her own ends.

But, no, at every stage it was malice, selfishness, laziness. Every plank of the gallows Remilia built was procured in advance and with love by The Star Maiden, and in the end Remi doesn't even feel the need to pull the switch.
Kareshy - 1 month ago
From what happened to the mother (exile and a forced marriage) and what she says at the end I suppose this was originally a story where she reincarnated into the villainess, but turned her situation around.
Kareshy - 1 month ago
Well, I did my best to give the benefit of the doubt to the other reincarnator but it seems she's chosen death.
Kareshy Meringue - 2 months ago
If we're taking the most generous interpretation, it is kind of fair for her to act that way at first because if you take the original story at face value, Lunaria IS a villain, unlike the MC who read more between the lines about the character and now has Lunaria's memories there's no reason for her to believe she was about to meet someone other than the generic villainess of a cheesy romance.
Kareshy - 2 months ago
With maxxed out luck nobody can stop Luce from making that "Father-in-law" comment a reality eventually.
Kareshy Donny_Dont - 3 months ago
It doesn't fit with the aesthetics of the other things we've seen which makes me think prototype in this context is slapping the experimental stuff onto a frame without thinking about the design at all.
Course I could be over thinking that.
Kareshy - 4 months ago
After all, what's better than the arc where the audience favorite character turns on the team? Clashing emotions! Destructive battles! Then probably some shipteasing to wrap a bow on it.
Kareshy Gin - 4 months ago
Still waiting for Gojo's brother to show up and reveal he's an alien, personally.
Kareshy The HOly Comment - 6 months ago
I was going to post the same panel. It's like his mass expands the more he says he loves his daughters.
Kareshy - 7 months ago
Seeing Luce succeed is a huge chunk of what I read this for, absolutely love it.
Kareshy - 8 months ago
The premise was okay but I run into a problem I see here and there with stories like this, where I get the feeling authors develop an allergy to negative emotions for their MC, if not any emotion at all.
It's crazy for her to be acting like a screaming lunatic and he just has the exact same face as if he'd been told a store is out of the ice cream he wants. When people harass his new love interest, when he's stalked or harassed himself, it's the blank face all the way down as he solves everything and wows everyone. There's no jealousy, no pettiness, no sadness or anger.
Kareshy - 1 year ago
Naturally the immediate guess is the hero will return to save the day, but I'm very excited for the upcoming chapters showcasing the rest of the cast's competency.