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  • not a fan of that kouhai but she did tell the truth..
    • 999+ points1 month ago
      Ironically Karin a better catch for him at this time even though she's very similar person to what Mona was in the past (I root for Asahi though I know she's a losing heroine). Medaka is way too passive therefore it's going to take an aggressive woman to get him to react, most people are like this because of their fear of rejection. When it comes to first relations, usually the first person to confess or confirm the attraction usually has a chance even though they may not be the first or even the best choice, just simply the safest and easiest. In fact all the main reactions Medaka had towards Mona was because she got in his personal space trying to provoke some form of sexual tension or attraction, right now she's lost her confidence while this girl. Ironically her warning/threatening Karin to keep her distance is hypocritical as this was the same thing she did when she had no interest in him neither.
    • Do not worry. I do not think he even sees her as a woman. He has never given her that stink face he used to give you.
      • 999+ points1 month ago
        She did have a point tho.

        Kuroiwa belongs to no one… yet
        • But, Kuroiwa has not yet decided whether he is going to abandon being a monk or not. It's not a likely a popular end to the story, but a possible end is that he gets sick of all these pesty girls, and decides to be a monk. Personally, I think that would be a fun ending, leaving all the girls high and dry. None of them are that great, looking at their personalities.... And to all men everywhere, the personality of a woman is the most likely thing to survive over decades, so if you want a happy life, pick the woman with a good personality, rather than the pretty or sexy one. Beauty fades, and the willingness for sex does also, unless she has a good personality. You should want a woman who will support you under all normal conditions.
          • 999+ points1 month ago
            Well... No dumb misunderstanding occurred. We did get confirmation that pigtails is a total bitch though.
            • 999+ points1 month ago
              she did have a point tho, mona has no grounds to tell her to back off
              • E P!YAMEROOO
                999+ points1 month ago
                I don't see it that way. A couple reasons.

                1. Mona may have started out with a bad attitude, just playing with guys for her ego, but starting pretty early on in the series, she stopped doing that, and started being genuine with people.

                2. Yes, Mona hasn't actually told Kuroiwa how she feels, but as she said directly to Karin, she's serious about Kuroiwa and Karin's not, so Karin's definitely the bad guy here. Karin's doing this out of spite, and because she needs to be the "queen bee" as she says. She has no decent reason for it.

                I definitely don't call that Mona having no right to tell Karin to back off.
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