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First my fine guys. Also how is leif gudred's brother? Wasn't gudrid getting married to halfdan's son? So that would mean that halfdan's son and leif are brothers, which we know isn't true. Is it just a translation mistake or a mistake on the author?
100th Yi Feng CloneYou know, it's kind of strange that demon's are so damn common AFTER all demon hunters died, as if they were in hiding and planning a war...... To make Homen look cool They even slaughtered Grandfell's family and killed off Akshan and the strong ones came out of hiding right after Homen was awakened This is what is called "S-rank Plot Armor"
100th Yi Feng CloneWell that's a stretch but the opposite can happen. The empire can be brought to earth for them to fight. And he can't freely jump between dimensions, that's a misunderstanding by the demon. Homen said that the influence was weakening since he was almost out the dimension
User-8113857834Haha I hope it’s the end honestly. The girl realizing he can take all of pael power since he’s pael and she is also in a fucking time loop herself lol. The Angel saying him to never loose faith at the best time too.
ZeEmoteIsStrongInDisOneThat's because he's a Human. Not an idiot with a god complex. We have enough MC with that kinda mindset and don't act as if you haven't drowned your sims for fun or sacrificed 100s if not thousands of "units" in said Kingdom simulator.
That sort of detachment is really dangerous because you stop seeing people as people altogether and nobody in this current situation is strong enough to even attempt to think like that. MC included.
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