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  • lol he asked a little girl where she wants it
  • Does it work on her wheelchair? it might move faster 馃槀
    • V-MMSilver Foenix
      999+ points1 year ago
      Hahaha this is what i think to 
    • 999+ points1 year ago
      To teir unlimited stamina buff, huh? I could have used that in bed last night. 3 minutes are still something.
    • I wanna see what happen if he hit himself with that xD
      • King KuronoWarp-izo
        999+ points1 year ago
        It would do the same thing he'll lose 1% of his hp and gain a random buff
      • it'd be cool if lily got a infinite mana buff for 3 minutes,
        • K
          Hahaha oh oh naughty Evangeline. I now what tou did there. 馃槀
          • l
            what chapter is this one in the novel?
            • Y
              Lmfao I like how they all responded differently to getting hit
              • 75
                What chaoter of the novel is this?
                • r
                  should have sold things and get 1 more artificat 馃椏
                  • When did he get the wand?
                  • I
                    • 999+ points1 year ago
                      Lol Ash sadistic tendency wakes Lucas masochistic side
                      Next time hit him on the butt xD
                      • Did MC instruct them to "start the next wave"? Oh yes, hit that send next wave button with your mouse, because this is RL, not a game!
                        • 999+ points1 year ago
                          bro a loli? welp if someone that cute i might say the same
                          • Spank em with that stick
                            • Love from KazakhstanHentai Protag-downvote me
                              999+ points1 year ago
                              just contribute another -100 points. you getting there.
                            • Unanimously Left OutHentai Protag-downvote meSpank em with that stick
                              -999 points1 year ago
                              Greetings, bawdy deviant. It appears your perilous journey on this peculiar quest has caught my interest. What sort of purpose have you seek from this so-called experiment?
                              • Hentai Protag-downvote meUnanimously Left Out
                                -999 points1 year ago
                                Hello there friend, i'm glad you and mpre people are starting to peek at our little science project. Nothing much, its just for the salvation of mankind. Spare some points of you could nice mister. No pressure tho if you cant. We're in no hurry. Thank you and have a great day
                                • Unanimously Left OutHentai Protag-downvote me
                                  -999 points1 year ago
                                  Is that so? Well, I just got around to see that it appears your endeavors have come into a grand fruition. I salute your dedication, sheer will, and mental strength to persevere in this courageous task. Although it appears you've achieved your goal, I do have one thing that interests me more. Because now, since you did reach the min points in the negative, I would like to talk about the difference in strats on how else this quest can be succeed by others that might follow in your footsteps. It appears that you've tried using the "spamming strat" and sadly it doesn't gave a fruitful results. However, have you tried upvoting/downvoting yourself or deleting comments as a way to test if those strat works?
                                  • Hentai Protag-downvote meUnanimously Left Out
                                    -999 points1 year ago
                                    Thanks man, now to you question. I have, that was how the initial work was done, until you reach 0 pts. Once there you're basically softlocked. The act of voting and deleting requires you to have points. So at 0 pts nothing can be done except commenting. So getting downvotes is the only possible way, now that i've reach the cap, it's only a matter of maintaining it. I'll still need the help of the community to do so. As posting comments will increase points by 3 each time
                                    • Unanimously Left OutHentai Protag-downvote me
                                      -999 points1 year ago
                                      Huh... so it appears that's the case. You had -980 when I read this comment and I had to give my contributions to lead you back to the min negative. What a serendipitous answer. It's definitely a noteworthy act to test how this new format and its contraptions truly works, especially letting people be involved in this effort. I guess in this case, we should praise Bear-sama for gracing us in this rebirth and its wondrous new possibility.
                                      • Hentai Protag-downvote meUnanimously Left Out
                                        -999 points1 year ago
                                        Thank you again for the support. I have asked before to someone else, but have you seen bear anywhere since the comments overhaul happened? 
                                        • Unanimously Left OutHentai Protag-downvote me
                                          -999 points1 year ago
                                          Apologies but I'm in the dark as well. Bear-sama is an elusive entity, responding rarely to comments only about addition of more chapters to the site or fixes about missing chapter slides in certain manga/manhwa/manhua. And now, after "The Unforeseen Reset", Bear-sama's existence is even harder to notice.
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                            Darius Every single panel is filled with cuteness, also the harpy seems pretty fat, her mc-nuggies and plump n juicy thunder thighs are weighting her down, she's ripe ready for the kfc buckets, Mhm.

                            Chapter 37 - I Used High-Level Medicine to Counter Magic 路 5 minutes ago

                            CdaddyB That wasn鈥檛 it. Original mc was trying to get a god to sponsor him again so because he already knew some of the stuff martial god had taught/gave last time he was already using so when martial god came around and was like who is this wait why does he have my skills already it spooked him. MCs attempt at merger was before he ranked up and just wasn鈥檛 strong enough to do it.

                            Chapter 90 - The Martial God who Regressed Back to Level 2 路 9 minutes ago

                            Kurrow It's just not the same without Ex's outbursts.

                            Chapter 264 - It's Time for "Interrogation", Princess! 路 13 minutes ago

                            mage101 get those telekinetic balls checked my guy

                            Chapter 82 - Helmut: The Forsaken Child 路 14 minutes ago

                            Moon Enjoyer Hmm... She seems more energetic which would make sense if she is a type 2 diabetic (or pre-diabetic for that matter) as she hasn't been stuffing herself with sweets, and eating and playing normally but now she gets an allergic reaction to something, no why those giant bees can give such a small sting...

                            Also you need adrenaline to "clear" the anaphylactic reaction right? I wouldn't be surprised if there is some kind of venom or poison that could actually help in this situation.

                            Chapter 27 - Entomologist in Sichuan Tang Clan 路 15 minutes ago

                            Savagekiller That new form is fire! This arc has definitely been something.

                            Chapter 83 - Futoku no Guild 路 19 minutes ago

                            Bill Cipher I believe that the legal age for marriage used to be 13 yrs old for female and 16 for male and has been for quite a long time.

                            Edit: Just checked real quick, Japan changed that law in 2022 so both can marry at 18 BUT they can get married underage with parental consent, likely bc there's still quite a lot of Japanese traditional/powerful/rich families that do arranged marriages.

                            I, a Tired Office Worker, Start Living Together with a Beautiful Highschool Girl whom I Met Again After 7 Years 路 21 minutes ago

                            Wes688 I feel very strangely relatable to glasses kun

                            Chapter 18 - Fuufu Ijou, Koibito Miman. 路 22 minutes ago

                            User-2455659825 They are so getting together 馃槀

                            Chapter 128 - Sousou no Frieren 路 23 minutes ago

                            Edo_Shehb Ting, tingg, tiiiiiiiing

                            Chapter 186 - Dandadan 路 23 minutes ago

                            Edo_Shehb Man, YOU are disgusting!


                            okay she does look good I give you that, who is she again btw?

                            Chapter 186 - Dandadan 路 24 minutes ago

                            Mighty Keyboard Warrior If it was that easy to stop him like that he should have done that from the beginning! Before anyone starts I know he has his reasons lol

                            Chapter 159 - Return of the Frozen Player 路 24 minutes ago

                            Communist Bugs Bunny I sure do love red flags too! Couldn't agree more, comrade.

                            Chapter 47 - STAR: Strike it Rich 路 28 minutes ago

                            Moon Enjoyer Okay damn Rifenhardt really is planning something big and soon, I thought they would stay low-key for a while and work more so in the shadows but I have doubts what they are doing can stay out of sight of the powerful people for long.

                            Chapter 73 - The Indomitable Martial King 路 30 minutes ago

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