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For a second there I was wondering why if the dad was so close why wasn't he on any of the photos, but then I realised he was the one taking them all
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SimulatedGrowthwait this is monthly release? I recently read old mangas with monthly releases and some had 150 pages for some chs and 70~ average what happened to this industry man no wonder manhwa takes up the scene
Name WithheldWell, I read 2 but I wasn't in the mood for a juvenile rom-com that wasn't funny. Maybe I was being harsh, but try it for yourself; just know that it's clearly not aimed at adults, even if seinen supposedly means 18+.
UsamaYup, 100% agreed. Loved that series. Maybe the art won't be to the liking of some people, but personally, I found it well-matched with the story. Not to mention, the story had such a good potential, and it was developing at a good pace too. Anyway, a shame indeed!
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