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I mean, before, there was this case with diving trapping you inside the game and log out button is not exist and when you die inside the game you die for real in real life
is not surprising, a gud horror game can giv u jump scares without overuse the gimmick coz u are coerced into anticipate tat moment but then they show u nothing, only to heighten the fear factor to next level when u least expected it. same with well written eroge tat givs u boner despite no visual to describe it.
wat sunraku means here is the signs are cranked up so even a numbed down experienced player feels it despite bored by other games tat overuse those tropes.
It falls into the category of "This shit will absolutely be abused in a heartbeat, so until there's an effective counter and treatment for misuse it probably shouldn't be used the way it is."
Fortunately, if it feasibly can be safely used the way it currently is it will probably be comparatively easy to do that.
CatDragorizethere's gotta be some ethical issues with controlling emotions with vr right?
The idea where the program can manipulate the players feeling is already a big red flag and the npc ai are just too smart to the point if you dont know it's a game, you'll think they are real ppl
The act of sending signals into a persons brain that will affect their emotions without prior agreement is already assault. Causing someone emotional distress is already grounds for a civil case. Even worse is hiding that fact that you can alter a persons thinking while using their product
Counterpoint; They signed terms and conditions. And the society is already dystopian enough that they require biometric IDs (your DNA confirmation, or something equivalent) before they let you play games, as was mentioned in the prelude to the gaming convention. So you've already signed away your right to bodily autonomy, and by extension your right to prosecute crimes related to the T&C, for the sake of letting random strangers fuck your brain chemistry as long as they entertain you in the process.
Laws don't exist without enforcement, laws aren't enforced except by people who believe in the laws strongly enough to put in their own time and effort to make it so, and people don't make it so unless it serves their purposes. It's why you still find small government advocates all over the place, because most laws weren't created for the good of others; they were created because enough people forced them to be, somebody slipped the law in when no one was looking and nobody cares enough to remove it afterwards, or a bunch of fucktards who couldn't settle their differences on their own badgered the government to kill the other side (metaphorically or literally) until a local judge or whatever said "Fine, I'll make a fucking ruling if you dipshits stop bothering me."
As much as I enjoy it, Shangri-La Frontier is a pretty classic "horror story behind the mask" setting.
MangaguyI mean he treated the mc mom like shit and let everyone else treat her like shit also so this should come as no surprise. The mc should honestly get strong enough to kill the patriarch and most direct descendants but the author would never go that way and instead will have the mc care way too much about the patriarch and never do anything.
BrianMcKnightIn a nutshell, prince tried to pull off a coup and blame the death of the King onto Yuuya. Yuuya ruined that gig, so now the Kingdom has tracked down the prince for attempted regicide.
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