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MeringueOh yeah, totally the same! A daughter who went to great lengths to protect her people and a mom who violated her daughter as soon as she woke up. https://i.postimg.cc/7LgpNdSF/i.png What are you on about?
O MatiusI guess he doesn't need anything from there, like he bought his sword from an auction and (IIRC) not everything on his DLC store can be SS+ tier objects
User-6198252973Amazing, for once an adult who is actually an adult doing their God damn job instead of letting children destroy themselves with unchecked power.
MeringueIt's been like this from the beginning, worse, in fact. Have you already forgotten that Raoul's sister was gangbanged by a bunch of fat, old priests? There's a pervert who sexually harassed demon children. Then there's the degenerate saintess that whored herself out to everyone. This chapter is NOTHING in comparison. LOL
GotMyEyeOnYouYeah for what I remember about the novel. It's seinen beware. I didn't know the author was sick when he wrote that. That explained a lot. Suicide, health,... Also amazing how he wrote that 10 years before COVID. Kinda foresight.
User-4430055375bet the moment they kill the orc, those evil group of students will appear and ambush them when they're at their weakest, maybe even capture Mia when her thing expires
Absolute ZeroBack when Raoul was the Hero, he killed the Demon Princess's older sister who was the Demon Lord at the time. Demon Princess had to go into hiding during the war, but ended up becoming a child sex slave. Raoul is the root cause of her suffering. She has no love for him, she only wants him dead and to suffer. When she initially killed Raoul (only cause he let her, so he could go to hell), she felt like he went out too easily and that left her empty inside (thus losing the will to live).
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