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  • for anybody who still don't get plausibility
    based on your status as a incarnation or constellation you have different levels of plausibility

    said plausibility is used whenever you exhibit powers that exceed the scenario limits
    this can be relieved a little by having high status individuals share probability with you
    hence why constellations are "looking" at kd rn

    when plausibility is abused too much it attracts outer gods to the scenario to devour said abuser
    this is what happened to his mom and why the out god is here
    • MarshadowthedevrjsDuchiha
      839 points12 months ago
      Thanks for explaining it brudda

      • Ars-NIIrjsDuchihafor anybody who still don't get plausibility based on your status as a incarnation or constellation ...
        15 points12 months ago
        This helped me understand plausibility so much better thank you!!
        • Liren04 rip mk disqusrjsDuchihafor anybody who still don't get plausibility based on your status as a incarnation or constellation ...
          194 points12 months ago
          so plausibility is basically energy/mana etc of constellations?
          • rjsDuchihaLiren04 rip mk disqus
            999+ points12 months ago
            its more volatile concept than that

            so its like this
            whenever u clear a scenario u are creating a story
            based on the quality of the story [how unique and interesting it is] they get a level of authority over the world
            which also grants then plausibility
          • S
            SWrjsDuchihafor anybody who still don't get plausibility based on your status as a incarnation or constellation ...
            999+ points12 months ago
            I still don't understand how tf Dokja's fable is burdening him, even though he got all those fable THROUGH the scenario.

            I mean, unlike other constellations, he doesn't interfere with lower scenario using his fable, he's just going through his own scenario.

            Very unfair imo.
            • its not
              for example his book mark skill is fking broken
              he copies kyogris or beast lord shin yoseung both who are above scenario limits

              currently goryeo finest sword is helping kd which is also above scenario limits
              and yes by this logic the fate bs the nebula put on kim dokja should also be above scenario

              its just that they are a nebula so they have a looooot of plausibility to spare
              • Edmond DanterjsDuchiha
                999+ points12 months ago
                Plus the factor that, it seems, the Dokaebis are "cheating" to get rid of MC(KD) because he's a variant that keep breaking the scenario's predicted flow
                • S
                  SWrjsDuchihaits not for example his book mark skill is fking broken he copies kyogris or beast lord shin yoseung...
                  999+ points12 months ago
                • S
                  SWSWI still don't understand how tf Dokja's fable is burdening him, even though he got all those fable T...
                  999+ points12 months ago
                  Yes, it is unrelated to your comment, but I just want to say in case you could also explain this because you seem knowledgeable. 🙏
                • M
                  MikklerjsDuchihafor anybody who still don't get plausibility based on your status as a incarnation or constellation ...
                  0 points12 months ago
                  does plausibility regenerate?
                  • 999+ points12 months ago
                    sure ... ?
                    normally i think it resets after u go to next scenario ig
                    there is actually more depth to this due to "fables" but its not introduced well in the manhwa yet so let it run
                    • GalomirrjsDuchiha
                      999+ points12 months ago
                      let run whit this for now, until they explaine the damn thing
                      • rjsDuchihaGalomir
                        999+ points12 months ago
                        the power of a being is defined by the quality of their story / their fable

                        it will be explain in depth in later arcs so yea
                        • GalomirrjsDuchiha
                          999+ points12 months ago
                          yea a bit like how MA work in the spider one, at least they gave an explaination of how it worked in the WN
                          took them time (around the end) to explaine but once they did, it make some sense

                          i really want to know how it work, but well see once they speak about it
                    • T
                      Thatch NetherfoldMikkledoes plausibility regenerate?
                      999+ points12 months ago
                      No. Only when a new scenario was entered will it reset. Reset doesn't mean regenerate.
                    • L
                      LizerrjsDuchihafor anybody who still don't get plausibility based on your status as a incarnation or constellation ...
                      439 points1 month ago
                      so it's like mana on steroids that make you too powerful for the scenario you're currently in and once it starts running out you receive the side effects, and the constellations here kinda refuled the container of kim dokja right?
                    • Gigantification..
                      I see.👀
                    • e
                      can constellations become outer gods?
                      • God_of_Contractsehrenyeagerr
                        683 points12 months ago
                        Secretive Plotter is an outer god
                        • TwEEzyZenGod_of_Contracts
                          999+ points12 months ago
                          wait question was he the one who crashed into the constellations party hall when mc first made his nebulae and revived using yamato no orichi?
                          • Cat of judgementGod_of_Contracts
                            999+ points12 months ago
                            Dammit I clicked it without thinking! not blaming you tho, it's clearly my fault. To those who's haven't click becareful it a spoiler, not sure how big tho
                            • ILikeArpeggiOfBlueSteelGod_of_Contracts
                              999+ points12 months ago
                              Is he on KDJ side or neutral and not against him
                        • Damn I can't wait for the next chapter
                          • 999+ points12 months ago
                            Damn...I stopped reading until over a hundred chapters piled up and I've already caught up after a few days haha

                            Might have to jump into the actual novel at this rate.
                            • Gonna bust this shit is amazing
                              • deus-ex-machina, only Deus came to whoop some asses and lesser deuses said 'nope' :D
                                • Fire
                                    • When is Secretive Plotter arriving??
                                      • Basically some constellations helped MC, now we wait for next chapter

                                          • Olympus is trash. Very trash
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                                            HeavenlyVenerableImmortal Yep! And I read people commenting this earlier and I was like meeeh but really the mc is getting too cocky for his own good

                                            Chapter 61 - Academy’s Genius Swordmaster · 2 minutes ago

                                            Ashlinn Didn't she also have to practice moving the ball through her body or something as well while doing that? It must've been hell

                                            Chapter 24 - The Reincarnated Marriage of a Hero and a Sage: After Becoming Engaged to a Former Rival, We Became the Strongest Couple · 6 minutes ago

                                            Mordred that's not the kind of archery he was doing before

                                            Chapter 54 - Genius Archer’s Streaming · 6 minutes ago

                                            User-5840768114 I honestly think that Asahi isn't a bad person but that she's just super spoiled and doesn't realize that there's any actual problem with their relationship.

                                            Chapter 1 - Fukushuu wo Chikatta Shironeko wa Ryuuou no Hiza no jou de Damin wo Musaboru · 7 minutes ago

                                            PointFour She's gonna fail, isn't she? Gamin is gonna end up arriving just in time to fight him and save her

                                            Chapter 267 - Study Group · 8 minutes ago

                                            luvin and your comments shows how SHALLOW your intelligence is, buddy boy.

                                            mix it together with you being a semi literate,resulting in an abomination as you are, a walking ignoramus who spew nonsense while having no idea what youre talking about.

                                            get educated, boy. you need it! LOL!

                                            Chapter 21 - Entomologist in Sichuan Tang Clan · 12 minutes ago

                                            Anakin Skywalker Here is who fixed the Merry for those who don't care for spoilers. the person who fixed the Going Merry wasn't actually a person, it was the spirit of the Going Merry herself called a Klabautermann. these are spirits that manifest in ships that are truly loved by the crews that sail them.

                                            Chapter 254 - One Piece · 12 minutes ago

                                            HeavenlyVenerableImmortal FR FR (The spongebob way) he's really thoughtful.

                                            Chapter 60 - Academy’s Genius Swordmaster · 13 minutes ago

                                            User-9270065133 Jesus Christ what's up with these op abilities. Especially that demon guys ability that doubles his dexterity and strength iirc

                                            Chapter 91 - How to Live as a Villain · 18 minutes ago

                                            TwEEzyZen the biggest part of being long range class like archer is the ability to dodge and fucking off after shooting your load you know?

                                            Chapter 54 - Genius Archer’s Streaming · 19 minutes ago

                                            Ashlinn She remains as endearing as ever 🥰 I already feel so much better 🥰🥰🥰

                                            Chapter 36.5 - The Useless Idol and Her Only Fan in the World · 19 minutes ago

                                            DudefromAlHiem shes adamant about her personality, never breaking character, that meril.

                                            Chapter 12.1 - Erotical Wizard and 12 Brides · 21 minutes ago

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