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  • J
    Just pathetic
    4 years ago
    This is the first "kicked out of party" manga I've read where MC isn't kicked out due malicious intent.
    • w
      windrarJust pathetic
      4 years ago
      Yes, it's refreshing. They actually care about his well being and don't want him to get killed.
      • R
        4 years ago
        totally, the fact they booted him out was because they worried for his wellbeing and not "blah blah blah useless" is nice
      • R
        Ryuto KanekiJust patheticThis is the first "kicked out of party" manga I've read where MC isn't kicked out due malicious inte...
        4 years ago
        well it got my attention as I was pressurized by my CS teacher to not be -ve all time so

        here's me clinging to some +ve thoughts
        • H
          H3CT012 D0M1NG0Just patheticThis is the first "kicked out of party" manga I've read where MC isn't kicked out due malicious inte...
          4 years ago
          I am agree too, they banish him from the party and they are still care about his condition in barren land
          • H
            HenrulJust patheticThis is the first "kicked out of party" manga I've read where MC isn't kicked out due malicious inte...
            4 years ago
            • Z
              Zilno TellJust patheticThis is the first "kicked out of party" manga I've read where MC isn't kicked out due malicious inte...
              3 years ago
              No, nobody would ever kick out such a valuable asset unless the author is an idiot, the characters are all idiots, or someone has malicious intent. The MC is way too important and they all should know this, yet for some reason they send him away makes no sense if there isn't some sort of malicious intent. I say this because he can make heros as he pleases and you know that he'll get stronger the more people he trains.
              • J
                Just patheticZilno Tell
                3 years ago
                Yes, the MC has potential, but the party can't just wait for MC to grow other people. They're doing the demon class quests now, and if MC can't immediately increase the party's combat strength, he is a liability.
              • H
                Hentai ProtagJust patheticThis is the first "kicked out of party" manga I've read where MC isn't kicked out due malicious inte...
                4 years ago
                Seems like even authors got sick of that setting
                • P
                  PacoJust patheticThis is the first "kicked out of party" manga I've read where MC isn't kicked out due malicious inte...
                  3 years ago
                  There is one manga where the mc wasnt kicked out but he still quit the hero party because of an injury he sustained that caused him lots of pain so decided to retire. he took a (cursed magical) arrow to the knee.
                  • J
                    Jones CrimsonJust patheticThis is the first "kicked out of party" manga I've read where MC isn't kicked out due malicious inte...
                    4 years ago
                    But for some reason...

                    It's hitting me really hard in the feels compared to the weak willed revenge plots...
                  • S
                    Shadow (Raman)
                    4 years ago
                    Seems like Hero party is going to lose another member soon.
                    • E
                      El Redentor
                      4 years ago
                      wut, his power it's OP, he can just gone to the sidelines and form a secondary team to make reinforcements, maybe a legion, but no, they had to kick him in that shady way.
                      • K
                        KahaleEl Redentor
                        3 years ago
                        yup makes no sense. i think the hero has ulterior motives.
                      • Z
                        Zilno Tell
                        3 years ago
                        How can you kick out such a valuable member of the group? I mean they could've made a clan and have him raise future recruits and sit back to enjoy the benefits. This doesn't make sense unless the leader hated him, or they just have no idea of how to make use of his skill which is way dumber because they all benefited from his skills and know how great he is. I'm guessing this is just the author is dumb and didn't think things through. Not to mention that he will probably get stronger with the more people that he trains. I still like it, but it just doesn't make sense.
                        • T
                          TwEeDZilno Tell
                          3 years ago
                          What use is the teacher when the pupils have terribly outgrown the teacher? He's a liability now and the benefits he brought are diminishing returns in relation to the protection he needs. It's not fun, but it's not illogical either. Raise future recruits? Took him 6y to get this party up to snuff, that's not effective at all. They got their level and teamwork, it's difficult to add people to the equation and he actually needs them to get high xp, going on low level missions with recruits will make them level up faster than on their own but it's still lower level. And what after it? Like the girl said he's going to be in an neverending loop, how painful and vexing it is I don't see it as wrong to dismiss him and nudging him towards something he can use his skills properly for
                        • I
                          I watch Anime
                          4 years ago
                          I don't really like that blond loli bitch
                          • T
                            The one true hentai God
                            4 years ago
                            Im worried about the another hottie, cause i believe she and protagonist are like brother and sister
                            • L
                              I smell a yandere loli
                              • Y
                                4 years ago
                                As before, the losing hero team needed the previous team, and the MC was successful
                                • J
                                  4 years ago
                                  In this case they honestly didn't need him anymore and it's actually extremely important that he was freed to go do what he's good at. It's not the typical kicked out story. They didn't boot him because they wanted to, for dumb reasons like you usually see.
                                  • a
                                    andiYuk1nek0As before, the losing hero team needed the previous team, and the MC was successful
                                    4 years ago
                                    Well....i do expect that tbh. I just want to see how mc did his stuff
                                  • R
                                    Random NPC
                                    4 years ago
                                    I hope the girl gets kicked from the party.

                                    It'd be hilarious if she found out SHE was the one everyone considered to be the least useful member all along.
                                    • J
                                      Jesse-DRandom NPC
                                      4 years ago

                                      She is considered the least useful, but doesn't get kicked. They honestly and truly needed the MC to be free to go do what he's good at. They voted him out of the party not because he was holding them back, but because they thought they were holding him back.
                                    • L
                                      Damn. Emma friendzoned Deli 8n a hot mi ute, and seems to not realize she likes Eiga. Tiana is taking Eiga's absence REALLY hard, the loli mage is gonna riot, and Cross... isn't a bad guy. I was not expecting that dynamic in this story.
                                      • Is the author fucking dumb? Mc has the strongest class and the fucking hero party just kicked him out? If they are really worried about should have send him to another place not in a fucking baren island. And that fucking Emma bitch I hate her soo much that I want to kill that fucking bitch. Mc make her strong and now she is calling MC loser or weak. And author is Tring best to show that this bitch cares about MC by thinking that "she wonders what is senpai doing" why can't there be a mange without these type of fucking annoying characters who just makes fun of mc and the part that really pisses me off is that mc isnot doing anything. He should have punch her so hard that her fucking face messed up.
                                        • I cant believe people are actually having issues with the party dismissing him. If he continued on with them he likely dies, they know it and he knows it. They may have dismissed him, but they made sure he was set for life still. There was no malice or stupidity involved in it. He flat out isnt personally strong enough to survive where they are going. They are going after the Demon King, its not like he's going to sit around doing nothing while they have to very slowly make their way to him since MC is slowing them down by having to protect him as well as fight. They are who they are today because of his skills, they accept and respect that, but there is no reason for them to get him killed over it.
                                          • ono i’m reading this way too fast

                                            • can't wait for Eiga to buld the land and help his friends
                                              • B
                                                Damn annoying!! That little girl haaaa
                                                Fk off bish pls don't ever come in story with your arrogant little mouth
                                                • C
                                                  Chun ∞ω∞
                                                  3 years ago
                                                  unaware of how precious he is, she's so blind... increased xp is one of the OPiest attributes you could get
                                                  • m
                                                    I'm in. I like non OP
                                                    • K
                                                      Kaito Playz
                                                      4 years ago
                                                      And at last the hen found a new nest to rise her children
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                                                      Manliest Macho He-Man ik this isnt totally relevant to the chapter but has the author completely forgotten about his initial party member the elf? like does she even know if hes alive?

                                                      Chapter 62 - Surviving the Game as a Barbarian · 4 minutes ago

                                                      ZzigZaGOONIN And then Uruma dies of blood loss and the game is over
                                                      Shot gun or rifle blast to the foot is nuts

                                                      Chapter 203 - Juujika no Rokunin · 5 minutes ago

                                                      Veemo Nation Beautiful art style for the new season

                                                      Chapter 159 - Build Up · 6 minutes ago

                                                      The HOly Comment yes not every, but some have longer expiry dates. and thats how they stay longer.

                                                      Chapter 28 - I'm the Evil Lord of an Intergalactic Empire! · 7 minutes ago

                                                      NoBitches? TF you mean ugly? She look better with glasses and twin braid.

                                                      Chapter 9 - Hachi Ichi · 8 minutes ago

                                                      ZzigZaGOONIN I almost thought the talk would work that would have been crazy lol

                                                      Chapter 825 - Kingdom · 10 minutes ago

                                                      ImNotRyuu They done turn it into America 2.0

                                                      Chapter 205 - Sakamoto Days · 11 minutes ago

                                                      TheWalrusKing Oop, they've come back and finished this but apparently the translation changed and they didn't look at the previous translation.

                                                      Chapter 115 - Storm Inn · 12 minutes ago

                                                      ZzigZaGOONIN Good archers are an amazing thing to have

                                                      Chapter 824 - Kingdom · 14 minutes ago


                                                      Chapter 70 - Zannen Jokanbu Black General-san · 27 minutes ago

                                                      WildGuy Hmm yes wait no wait no yes, aaand we're back to where we were before we started this arc.

                                                      Chapter 32.2 - Can a Boy and Girl Friendship Hold Up? (No, It Can't) · 27 minutes ago


                                                      Chapter 69 - Zannen Jokanbu Black General-san · 30 minutes ago

                                                      Ledesordrecestmoi I thought he was a regular soldier. I'm impressed.

                                                      Chapter 44 - Centuria · 31 minutes ago

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