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  • n
    nur rohmat adi putra
    2 years ago
    as far as i know, thing to consider about shotgun and pistol would be how shotgun and pistol 'close range' are 100+ meter, maybe 200+ meter which is far beyond reach of melee combat (not that it can't be used in one maybe, I just can't imagine it in real life). Unlike in game, any pellet fired from shotgun can be lethal at any distance so they're still very dangerous at longer range... it's just that rifle are more reliable at longer range since you can actually aim it at that longer distance (300-500 meter) or able to sustain high rate of firepower (covering fire) compared to shotgun fuck everyone in the shotgun general fire direction. That fuck everyone in the general area however are very nice in urban/closed environment since you can forget aiming precisely and just shoot where enemy might be.
    Eh maybe there'll be people that would correct me if there are any misconception in my statement.
    • V
      Velsdar Tepes IIInur rohmat adi putra
      2 years ago
      All gun range is pretty far if we only talk about how far it could fly. Then again, the effective range is limited due to bullet wind pressure and so on.

      Long story short, it's depend on the user.
      • s
        si1foonur rohmat adi putraas far as i know, thing to consider about shotgun and pistol would be how shotgun and pistol 'close ...
        2 years ago
        well shotguns and pistols of the lower calibre's can kill but that really depends on where they are hit and also most pistols of that calibre don't kill out right with a single hit which is why you aim for centre of mass and put as many bullets as you can into them. cutting a bullet is the same principle as cutting a arrow. if you know where it is coming at you you could hit but the hard part is knowing where it is coming at you from.
        shotguns depending on what there loaded with at more or less portable cannon's they can fire lots of little things meant to just spread out hurt the hell out of things or they could fire a slug which is like firing a massive bullet.
        any pellet can be lethal is well a bit of a misnomer, because it s true that any pellet can be lethal but that could be said about a pillow it can be lethal too. pellets loose there velocity pretty quick and if they dont hit a vital area there not likely to kill
        • n
          nur rohmat adi putrasi1foo
          2 years ago
          can be lethal I meant as being able to penetrate or pulverize flesh upon impact since that's required for it to be able to kill people if you, the person getting hit by the pellet, is unlucky.
          • s
            si1foonur rohmat adi putra
            2 years ago
            yes and what im saying is that No A pellet hitting you in your foot wont kill you a pellet hitting you in your thigh probably wont kill you a pell hitting you in your torso might kill you. and the likelyhood of any pellet killing you depends on distance from the gun because they loose velocity rapidly compared to a rifle. You as a human can survive alot more then what is believed by the average person. I know somone who shot them selves in the guts point blank applied pressure when to the hospital took about 30 mins to be seen they removed the bullet and stitched him up be needed no other medical needs heck they could have just left it after a while it would have healed its self.

            a gun isn't magically a you die when i point at you.
            • n
              nur rohmat adi putrasi1foo
              2 years ago
              I don't understand what you meant I am just going to assume the last sentence is tldr.

              Can be lethal mean it isn't always lethal, I know. anybody that can use english can tell that. What I mean by fuck everyone in front is how the buckshot scatter in an area in front and you have no way to dodge it so it is entirely up to luck wether you get hit or not and if you got hit wether you can survive or not. Hence saying shotgun can be lethal beyond 100+ meter range mean that even if the chance you'll survive from being shot at a distance by a shotgun is high, it is still not a good idea to stand in front of it since it can still penetrate/pulverize your flesh. you still need to duck or find some cover or better yet shoot them first before they can shoot. Kinda like how machinegun isn't mean to precisely hit someone. except with machinegun being grazed by it cause much more damage than a shotgun pellet would be due to higher caliber well force.
              • s
                si1foonur rohmat adi putra
                2 years ago
                "dodge" you can't dodge a bullet. They either missed the target or they didn't, you cant dodge any calibre round from any gun. like your point is they they can be lethal my point is that there only Lethal if they get lucky where as if you get hit. shotguns are powerful weapons in close range because you have a cone of fire rather then a line.
                • n
                  nur rohmat adi putrasi1foo
                  2 years ago
                  dude just stop, you're speaking common sense now, nobody think they can dodge bullet or bullet are dodgeable somehow (well disregarding the delusional one). Sure there's a point in saying getting shot by gun isn't equal to death but nobody question whether or not it is possible to dodge bullet. When I said 'you have no way to dodge it' I meant it as stating the most basic fact that you can't dodge a flying bullet.

                  You've already explained when a bullet is lethal and if you aren't aware, i agree with that point. I just doesn't know what you want by repeating it to me over and over again when I already agreeing to it in the first place. I am just trying to make myself clear what I meant by can be lethal, rather than arguing that shotgun/pistol can be lethal beyond 150m. Just as a footnote, not an argument against your original comment. Yet you try to explain the concept to me again despite I neither needed it nor asked for it. So I try to make myself clear again 'yeah I know, maybe I am not clear enough so here's my reasoning for saying this in case I make a mistake' and then you comeback to nitpick part of a sentence that nobody would think twice about.

                  What do you want? I don't understand anymore..... If you're just wanting to tell me that bullet are only Lethal if they get lucky where it hit, then thank you. If there's something else that you want then I don't know what you wanted sorry.
        • R
          Rex Bonesnur rohmat adi putraas far as i know, thing to consider about shotgun and pistol would be how shotgun and pistol 'close ...
          2 years ago
          Shotguns are nowhere near 200+ meters in effective range. Even slugs usually reach at best around 150m, but generally <100m for both spread and slugs, the closer the better mostly.

          Pistols tend to reach 100m fairly okay depending on the caliber, 200 is a big stretch.

          Rifles? Rifles are a much wider classification than pistols and shotguns. Many calibers can easily dominate at a kilometer (world record is about 6km, farthest known snipe in actual contact was about half that), and others can reach their best at around 10m, but with better penetrating power than other guns at that range.

          If you want a high rate of fire in something small, submachine guns are great (there's a reason why the Uzi and co are known for "spray and pray" after all). Short range but better handling and higher rate of fire.
          • n
            nur rohmat adi putraRex Bones
            2 years ago
            right, thank you very much. had a bit of hestitation when mentioning 200+ meter but including it anyway since i am not really sure the specification.
            As for rifles, I mean the assault rifles, or the one that is below the machinegun picture. hm... I am not really sure why i put 300-500 meter effective range there though. My memory like a sweese cheese.
            • F
              FBInur rohmat adi putra
              2 years ago
              300-500m is roughly the effective range of an assault rifle, or at least that's what they're traditionally designed for. Lately there's been a movement back towards more powerful cartridges to deal with body armor, so that could change again.
          • I
            InvisibleStormnur rohmat adi putraas far as i know, thing to consider about shotgun and pistol would be how shotgun and pistol 'close ...
            2 years ago
            There's a good reason Germany claimed shotguns should be a war crime.
            • F
              2 years ago
              What did they call the model 97 again? The trenchsweeper or something?
          • N
            NoSleep4Menur rohmat adi putraas far as i know, thing to consider about shotgun and pistol would be how shotgun and pistol 'close ...
            2 years ago
            You also wouldnt want to hunt with a shotgun like they showed. Unless you dont plan on eating it.
            • I
              2 years ago
              Tons of people use shotguns to hunt deer. There's a reason it's called buckshot.
            • A
              Arnish07nur rohmat adi putraas far as i know, thing to consider about shotgun and pistol would be how shotgun and pistol 'close ...
              2 years ago
              Whatever your point is, now i know how fucked mc Enemy is
              • I
                Irongnur rohmat adi putraas far as i know, thing to consider about shotgun and pistol would be how shotgun and pistol 'close ...
                2 years ago
                In the end the mc doesn’t have the actual range and only trying it for the first time.
                But yeah the fact he doesn’t know is unusual.
                • J
                  1 year ago
                  MC doesn't even know how to hold a pistol, or at least the artist doesn't.

                  The "cup and saucer" method is okay with a revolver (though it has less recoil control), but you learn really quickly not to do it with a semi-automatic. The mag and frame will pinch the heck out of the "saucer" hand.
              • T
                Trevor Wellington
                2 years ago
                And I was just thinking about this manga glad to see another update.
                • T
                  Tau Ceti
                  2 years ago
                  wow, some actual thoughtful reasoning regarding all these weapon manufacturing. even with his absurd abilities he's starting to really think about how to best use them rather than just doing whatever comes to mind.
                  • D
                    2 years ago
                    Glad this wasn't dropped.
                    Would've thought he'd have crafted some rubber bullets if he's that bothered about body count.
                    :edit: why does it feel like a long time since last update? I just checked and it was less than a month ago!
                    • K
                      2 years ago
                      maybe because you've been busy?
                      • I
                        Ichicora-UzumakiDonny_Don'tGlad this wasn't dropped. Would've thought he'd have crafted some rubber bullets if he's that bother...
                        2 years ago
                        Does he have a rubber? I don’t even remember, but he would have to have rubber in order to make rubber bullets.
                        • F
                          2 years ago
                          He could also use wax. It was fairly common in the early 20th century and before.
                      • g
                        2 years ago
                        we need a story about fantasy isekai adolf hitler.
                        • I
                          2 years ago
                          Already exists, he died before the story started though
                          • Z
                            ZECTCustomUnit .g£n£®!©_b^st^®d™we need a story about fantasy isekai adolf hitler.
                            2 years ago
                            After Isekai Putin…would not be surprised…Isekai Trump is being fanfic now
                          • I'm starting to think that this author just wanted to write story about guns and femdom but knew the best way to do it would be with isekai, hence we have less magic and more pew-pew/pow-pow... And why would MC want to end a war without fatalities? That's dumb, but I'm sure the author will make it work with the powers of plot convenience.
                            • I wonder if any of yall have seen what a shotgun can do to someone at pint blank. I tell ya, its one hell of a mess
                              • L
                                Lolicon YouTuber Aki
                                2 years ago
                                Bruh I don't think they can imitate gun
                                • H
                                  Harry Siestanto
                                  2 years ago
                                  Try slicing up bullets shot from close range. Go to afterlife.
                                  • C
                                    2 years ago
                                    Too bad im all caught up now
                                    • A
                                      2 years ago
                                      finaly moving on the main topic.......WEAPONS!!!!
                                      • C
                                        Constellation: [System]
                                        2 years ago
                                        Bruh mc better make a sniper
                                        Just imagine enemy commanders dies instantly lol
                                        • K
                                          Knight_ZornnahConstellation: [System]
                                          2 years ago
                                          it'll be just like Ukraine
                                          • I
                                            Iron SightKnight_Zornnah
                                            2 years ago
                                            Even if he manage to snipe the commander, another would just assume position and then the enemies will continue fighting. Sure sniping rifle have great penetration but the drawback make it unfit for wide scale battle like this one. Maybe if they're tasked to do the dirty deed then yea, that would be the perfect weapon, in open field with hundreds or even thousands of people clashing against eachother? No. The better choice is mortar or chemical weapon. No, this world doesn't have the Geneva Convention to prevent us from setting enemies combatant into a living torch or turning their territory into living nightmare using white phosphorus.
                                          • Z
                                            ZECTCustomUnit .Constellation: [System]Bruh mc better make a sniper Just imagine enemy commanders dies instantly lol
                                            2 years ago
                                            Doggy Girl is the group’s sniper…from cross bow to bolt action
                                          • S
                                            i can think on non lethal idea's
                                            • Z
                                              ZECTCustomUnit .SmugMan
                                              2 years ago
                                              Net Guns/Tasers/Rubber Bullets/Bean Bags/Pepper Spray
                                              • C
                                                Constellation: [System]ZECTCustomUnit .
                                                2 years ago
                                                Tasers would be hard to make but it will be very effective because they wear iron plates and iron shields
                                                • Z
                                                  ZECTCustomUnit .Constellation: [System]
                                                  2 years ago
                                                  I’m sure cyclops mage could think of something close to it
                                                  • N
                                                    NoSleep4MeConstellation: [System]Tasers would be hard to make but it will be very effective because they wear iron plates and iron sh...
                                                    2 years ago
                                                    It would have zero effect because it would bounce off. And if it did stick to the shield or armor it would just be grounded or not even each the body.
                                                    • C
                                                      Casey BrownNoSleep4Me
                                                      2 years ago
                                                      You sure about that? Cause as a trained electrician unless they know how to make rubber treads for shoes it doesn't get grounded like that. The human body is made up mostly of water making it the most conductive substance second to metal, thus unless the body is touching a non conductive surface makes everything a pass through to ground. In other words to make it clear if they don't have rubber on the bottom of their boots and shoes even if they are in-cased in metal those tasers go from just stun to lethal.
                                                      • N
                                                        NoSleep4MeCasey Brown
                                                        2 years ago
                                                        Alright. Water by itself is not a condictor, infact it is a resistor. Having rubber treads would make it so you are NOT grounded so its more likely to pass though your body.

                                                        If the two contacts of the taser hit the same plate the electricity would go from one barb into the plate then right to the other barb. If it hits different plates it would have to go from one barb, get spread out over that plate though fabric (assuming you wear something under your plate armor) though the body, back though fabric into the plate the other barb is in. Spreading out the contact patch makes it weaker, having it go though different materials makes it weaker. Also if there is chainmail under the armor it would make it useless, unless both barbs find skin and dont touch any metal.
                                                      • C
                                                        Constellation: [System]NoSleep4MeIt would have zero effect because it would bounce off. And if it did stick to the shield or armor it...
                                                        2 years ago
                                                        Oh I forgot about that
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