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Goddamn I know it was already established how broken the connector is, but holy. He pretty much the Yuji from Baki of the kenganverse I can only hope that it’ll motivate many of the fighters to get stronger.But right now who can really take on the connector. The only one that could possibly take him is Kuroki Gensei but the fact he wasn’t even mentioned kinda of has me worried
nah, first of all kuroki wasnt affiliated with the kengan, he participated in the last tournament because he was invited and he accepted the invitation second kuroki fought rolon before and its resulted in draw third, not even mukaku who is much likely stronger than kuroki, could scratch the connector
FervorBrikGoddamn I know it was already established how broken the connector is, but holy. He pretty much the ...
See, I think the reason is because Kuroki Gensei a Purist in the Martial Arts world. He's not a man you can hire and he doesn't have any stakes involved with the Worm. If he were to be involved it would only because he was there or his friend who requested him to participate in the 1st Tourney was in danger.
The only thing they can do to defeat him is to give him some muzan treatment to accelerate his age rapidly. And because there's no one to replace him maybe it will be the end of the connector and his cronies. Idk maybe it's a little stretch out.
Jesus Fuck!!! The connector is just, wow like goddamn I said this before but how they gonna defeat this demon he is beyond the pinnacle of martial arts that Kuroki is cause lord.
Well this is a very dire situation. Nogi's trying to set the table but he doesn't have any cards to play! Like the whole of Kegan Allies and Organization are being offered an Ultimatum and there isn't any room to negotiate but if he can get them to agree to a match at least he could buy some time if the heads of the Worm honor their word.
He's the main character of this series. Not to mention, he has fist eye. I know he's still green. But the way author wrote him makes you think he'd eventually surpass Ohma. He already learned Niko style too. He's gonna get wayy stronger than now. I meant to say if he would ever be able to grow to the point that he can fight toe to toe with Shen Wulong.
He’s definitely not the protagonist of this series lol. He’s a deuteragonist yeah but not the protagonist. He’s still super green, makes no sense for him to steal the spotlight off the character people actually care about.
You're right that he's super green. I don't think it would make sense for him to beat connector either. It's just that Fist Eye has a lot of potential based off the narrative. He seems like the protagonist to me. Most arcs involved him even if it's just him watching from the sidelines. And the story mainly focused on his growth. Obviously, I'm talking about sequel strictly when I said “this series”. Anyway, Shen Wulong is more likely to get the Meruem treatment at this point if author wants to kill him off.
ChingarunaOK, I know that not EVERYBDOY is a fan of this series because of the revenge but for me, I think this is going to be my favorite alongside others because I personally read the original source along with it. The one fun way to actually read the series is reading the manga ALONGSIDE the source material such as Web Novel AND Light Novel. Only that way, you can actually enjoy the thrill and witnessing the villains get their own karma.
So, here is Light's Streak Records according to the Manga via some recap.
LIGHT'S INFAMOUS STREAK (MANGA, As Current) 1-0 Garuu and Gang (with Mei & Founder Fenrir)
2-0 Kaito of the Adventurer Killer Duo
3-0Sasha and Michael Of the White Knights (Nazuha and 4 LVL7777 Floor Bosses fought others and won. 1-0 each. ) 4-0Yude of his Adventure Group
5-0Shion and Soul Dragon
6-0 Mythology Class Snake Weapon (Him being the one who finished it to save Nazuha from it's final attack. Speaking off, sharing Nazuha’s own 2-0)
7-0Nano (First Fight) 8-0 Kavaa
9-0Nano (Rematch and final round)
10-0Chaos (The only Friendly Sparing)
11-0Twin Blood Magatama Slime Monster, with both Gamm and Lebard (With Chaos)
SPOILERS As in this writing, the WN sees Team Abyss (Light and 4 LVL9999) are now facing what's left of the Masters in a undersea dungeon after foiling their escape. Not without knowing that "C's" true identity is revealed to be...somebody who is obsessed with "following the scenario", with Light's win streak record is 15-0. The LN version, on the other hand, saw the Demon Kingdom's fall from grace because Light and co. able to defeat the three remaining Masters as well as making Volos and Diablo pay for their crimes, extending Light's Win Streak to 20-0. Next arc maybe focusing on Center/Zantor and the Centaurs
Thomas_JCGSure, to us. But to them that live in a world with monsters and demons, that doesn't seem like the worst thing to exist. Also, Asuka can use Vis so there was no reason he couldn't kill it with a sword like Helmut did. Doggy boy pretty much just folded after seeing an overgrown bug.
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