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Well, I did predict it right. But I am disappointed with that. Why it should always be like that? Why the MC should be first beaten up badly and then won barely by just one single punch? Like how the fucker was beating him soo badly. All I was waiting for the MC to also beat the shit out of him, but nope. Authors these days just want to make the MC suffer and then finish it without proper payback. Some people will say "It's okay, that asshole got humiliated" Man I don't care about this humiliation shit. I want that fucker to be beaten up, just like how he did that to MC.
Jiwoo now need the wind ability of Shinwa then he can move even more faster with the help of Wind and Lighting gyahahaha. Maybe he would be able to send some shockwave punch later
Jag_readWew with that 'strength above everything' philosophy and the things u have to do to survive, no wonder many of them had psychological issue at certain point in their life. So I guess good counselors or psychiatrists at that time will really be valuable to them so they can live normally once treated (mentally), otherwise they'll become mad and do self-destructive things and die fast
userofthedegenerateartsthe hair color of the warriores was so inconsistent that for a moment i thought that it was a alternate reality where the mc married ping ping
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