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no, you need to differentiate what is good and what stupidity is. e.g. batman, he's batshit insane just opposite of joker. i wouldn't kill baby hitler but fuckin sure will kill the ahole hitler that fucked up millions of lives
I'd kill baby hitler tho ngl, and insane isn't the same as joker (who's evil). Batman might be deranged and yes, he is a danger to society, with his targets only being villains so far. If there were no villains who knows what Batman would do, if he's truly "insane" he might go after more and more petty criminals until he's hurting near-innocent people who've only committed light crimes.
the insane i had in mind was the state of mind or sanity level. from social and morality issues, he's the same as the evil bloke. he does not trust himself and anyone except alfred because he knows that his 'state' is not fine at all. well, kid is just different in my book. dkw, but I think, I could kill young adult hitler. if I do met the kid hitler I could probably manipulate him into another path. maybe not as good as uncle ben but might be close to luthor
With decision making skills like this its not hard to see how the old man walked straight into a trap, was betrayed and everything he built was overthrown in less then a year. You know this demon guy betrayed you and killed a ton of low level guys who all had families they wanted to go back to right? Yeah but you punched him enough...
well the good guys of orthodox are always morons anyways that's why we always only see the "real" corrupted people from orthodox in all these manhwas xD
NexusSomeone on a different site said "It's gonna be a stupid fucking why they haven't had sex yet, I can just tell" Her lookin a little embarrassed tells me its definitely because she has no idea what to do
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