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Well it will be funny, when Kali meets his 1 year old son. Spoiler: ... I'm just guessing. It could also be a daughter. Nahh no clue, would be funnier though if he thought his daughter fighting techniques.
Let me explain it like I would explain it a child: When 2 persons love each other VERY much and have a FEW hours of unaccounted screentime together, they get a baby after 9 months.
Tedd The FatBattleborn0896why would he have a son from just kissing?
There are two types of pet owners: "My *insert pet here* is so smart! They understand everything I say!" and "Yeah he's a dumb little fucker. There's not a single thought in his head."
NexusSomeone on a different site said "It's gonna be a stupid fucking why they haven't had sex yet, I can just tell" Her lookin a little embarrassed tells me its definitely because she has no idea what to do
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