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Finally!!! I've been waiting for the companion series to "OUT" (check this out if you haven't yet, it makes references to events in this series later events). Thank you guys and good work. This story is gonna get bloody, can't wait! XD
R TuinThat was so awesome! Yuki beat a mech with an oversized sword, that's the best kind of manga/anime ridiculousness.
It's too bad Anna has such a large guilt complex, feeling she needs to atone for sins she thinks she committed as a child and stuck in the past. Hopefully, spending time with Yuki will rehabilitate her and give her real hope for the future.
R TuinD'awwwwww, so much cuteness again. From the agents of the inspection bureau to the purified ent.
It's too bad Iona didn't kill anyone when she got out but everything worked out in the end. I feel that Scaram is still gonna suffer because he used an item from another dragon clan, Kaiser doesn't seem like the forgiving sort.
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