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By the past chapters I kept saying we have the "MC PLOT ARMOUR😆" I think I just build a sand castle on the shore too near the sea a d it was swept away so so so suddenly 🥴 But nonetheless, the author knows how to make the reader drown in trance , I felt like I just had a nearly heart attack experienced 🙌
WHAT THE HECK! my heart was racing the whole time I was reading 🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯Damian Cant is is on another level of a playmaker and his brain works faster than his legs😳
This will make aoi self confidence go super low. Well its better like that to show that there are many people better than you. What important is how you handle it.. either you giving up or crawling back to challenge the adversity
AnonymooseThe comments here bring me immense pain... is reading comprehension really that hard? Like, I know mine is high, and i vaguely remember how it was before my eyes were fixed, but is this that difficult?
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