Love Live! - School Idol Diary - Honoka Kotori Umi - 8 chapter(s)
Love Live! School Idol Diary is a series of novels in the Love Live! franchise, written by Kimino Sakurako and illustrated by Otono Natsu and Akame Kiyose with character designs from Murota Yuuhei. There are currently thirteen novels, split into two series:
- Each of the first nine volumes retells parts of the Love Live! anime series story from a different idol's point of view along with their backstories.
- Each subsequent volume of the second series talks about an event within the school year, and is each told from two different idols' point of view. These volumes also contained codes for SR cards of their featured characters for Love Live! School idol festival (JP), in the same poses as drawn on the book cover.
- Each of the first nine volumes retells parts of the Love Live! anime series story from a different idol's point of view along with their backstories.
- Each subsequent volume of the second series talks about an event within the school year, and is each told from two different idols' point of view. These volumes also contained codes for SR cards of their featured characters for Love Live! School idol festival (JP), in the same poses as drawn on the book cover.