Naked is a one-volume manga containing three stories that revolve around two boys, Ayumu and Chihiro. The first two stories are set when they are in 5th grade, and revolve about them becoming friends and making a new friend. The final story is set several years later in high school and is about Ayumu's first love.
With her mom always fussing over her baby brother, her father busy with work, and no friends at school, Hitomi has always felt lonely. This all changes when she volunteers to raise Eye, a guide dog, for a year. However, parting is never as easy as it seems...
High schoolers Yuki and Shigeru aren't dating, but still enjoy a highly active sexual relationship. Naïve and still very child-like in the way they think, it comes as a great shock to them when Shigeru discovers she's pregnant. The two are confronted with the decision of aborting the baby and wounding Shigeru, or to keep it and face great opposition from their parents and high school, and *gasp* miss their beloved Conflict concerts!