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Darkun2? KiliSloe - 1719198768
Yeah its reaistic.. but its dumb that author choose this road
Darkun2? Kirida Ryuji - 1718941620
I talked about your first passage in another comment...For the second one. It does start as simple as casual romance while cosplaying. But it evolved into something else. It is now delves into the pit of mind of an artist. Being an artist is.... well guranteed to have constant battle in your head.. so this is a peek into that side of an artist. Simply put being an artist is almost guaranteed of being associated with pain and suffering
Darkun2? - 1718941399
I tried soo hard, and got so far. In the end i ended up reading this chapter. I wanna hold off till it piles up.. now im suffer
Darkun2? Nobody - 1718941231
But the worst possible outcome
Darkun2? Kirida Ryuji - 1718940916
One thing to point out is... looking at every little detail of a personality from a character is not the way to write a character. A fictional character is by no mean an animate.. not living things. No matter how meticulous an author in creating a chara, it would never can be compared to the most boring person ever lived..
You said you deal with a lot of problems and i assume that is what molded you into who you are now. You complained about the oversimplified personality of non-chan. Well because non-chan as a chara has lived only less than a chapter. While you has lived every second of your live. Author doesnt have any space to develop non-chan so author used non-chan as a drama trigger based on what happened in their past. .If another personality added into non-chan then author need to elaborate why she changed, that cost pages, effort and time. Or the opposite happen. If both non chan and gojo doesnt mind what happen in the past, then what was the point of introducing nonchan in the first place..
In order to have a good 3 dimensional chara and complex mind, an author need to develop them in the main story, which mean more screen time. Or just dump info at one point. So yeah, if a chara has a lot screen time, an author could easily develop them internally. But if its a chara like non-chan.. then it has to be through a dump info.. and dump info cost a lot so usually it isdone for the more important chara. The one that moves the story, not just giving things to mc to react to. .
Im not dismissing your comment. It is valid when the subject are real life children. But these are non fiction.
Darkun2? Oburci - 1718931626
What is worse than Chinese? A French
Darkun2? Henrul - 1718925024
You really took your tine to comment
Darkun2? Segan - 1718775464
Well did you properly read or what? Because missing that is like saying harry potter cant speak with snake.
Darkun2? Jarshan - 1718773763
In this case weinberg does gwt the w. Lmao. Well played
Darkun2? Jarshan - 1718772433
I think count was under the impression that the demon is here only to avenge his sister. Only brings harm to the duke side... he even asked the demon to not harm the innocent. Unbeknownst to him the demon appeared nd in contract with the woman.. and in it she said destroy the kingdom
Darkun2? KiliSloe - 1718771490
Hahaha. Nothing special. I just imitate my tone when speaking.. maybe just habit. its about the pause... too short for a coma but still in the same sentence (its weird to separate it with one dot) About the question mark its really just how i sound irl.. like the one that i wrote to the other one.. i wrote "i am agreeing with him?" I am stating my intention but with a questionnaire tone. In my language we often question with a statement sentences. Its not "is this your car?" But "this is your car?" In english its like a sarcasm, right? In mine.. its just a casual question.
Darkun2? MissBadEnd - 1718763027
Okay now that you mention it... he has all the cheat codes.. just missing the crown prince title
Darkun2? freezing - 1718759847
Legend of the Northern Blade
That is why i said im used to reacting in agrreing or reaffirming by repeating or exaggerating it
Darkun2? KiliSloe - 1718757758
What way? Wait let me use the correct grammar for ky previous comment "are you reading this at the moment or you just came by because of the comments?" Is this correct or the "that way" you mention is still there?
Darkun2? - 1718746286
Bruh for high demon... upper, higher, general, or big.. i forgot.. his plan was rather cute, no?