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MuKuro - 2 days ago
Dude, she just need to make someone to wish for the money back... the first wish declined, wish for another one, that person wish become declined since the money comeback to donation... then this manga can end as oneshot if that person is the person he like, isn't?
MuKuro - 2 days ago
It's good reading... But what's the point of the title become like that when at the end she just a normal person? ugh, expecting too much, hmm
MuKuro BountyHunter - 8 days ago
well, the plan actually is just to bring back Azu to her village but then the book contents changed after they cameback. just reminder, mc true intention is for run from real life at first place, then changed to visit friends on isekai while doing camping as excuse... I hope the story not gonna bring isekai politic for the plot (ugh, I can see those flag now)
(well, I'm slow life-isekai enjoyer after all)