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User-8731350889 Gakuku - 1722096816
But u said the author must hate religion because of it, which simply isn't shown tho. Just depicting jesus as a demon isn't disrespectful on it's own, and coupled with the explanation we're given it makes complete sense with the traditional character of jesus.
Plus i have no idea why u think jesus wouldn't kneel for someone or ask for their help, or how that makes him look bad.
And this isn't even our jesus to begin with anyways
User-8731350889 Gakuku - 1722093705
Lol dude u gotta pay more attention. Jesus is a demon because he's been sacrificing his own soul to keep his people from suffering. And why would jesus not ask for help wen he needs it? Pride is a sin, after all.
The author isn't hating on religion in the slightest, jesus is still a good guy who sacrifices himself for others and lucifer is still an evil douche.
User-8731350889 - 1712874758
"gigyu... ur actually....a retard"
User-8731350889 - 1712871034
So, instead of just saying hi and "encountering them normally" u decide to hide and run, which makes u a spy in their view and u know now that they'll attack first and ask questions later, u then decide to fucking FOLLOW these guys instead of changing ur route (which, if it is the right direction they're going then good luck getting the elixir before they do...) which ends predictably with them finding u and thinking ur a spy.
That sword was right, MC is a retard.
User-8731350889 - 1712822631
Genuinely funny and a great ride, don't go into this expecting some edgy John Wick-type revenge tho. This is more like FFF Class Trash Hero or Greatest Estate Developer. Mostly comedy with amazing art and awesome action scenes.
User-8731350889 Zhadow - 1712388086
No it's a jojo reference
Nah dude that's not the point. It doesn't matter how long it would take to fully explore his issues, wat matters is him feeling that his mother cares about his problems and is making him her top priority. Her attitude towards him is the problem, which is shown to be even worse later on (i won't go into now cause spoilers)
As a child, ur parents are ur world. They're ur rock, ur final defence against the cruelty of reality. If the child doesn't feel like the parents aren't at least trying to understand u and help to fix ur problems, that can have a huge impact on their development.
And if we're speaking of the author's intent and them being written characters, well it's quite clear he's showing the mother as not being attentive enough and that having bad repercussions on how he feels about her and the world in general. This is literally wat we're being shown, not any assumptions.
Also, if there is a problem with how he's not assertive enough in their relationship that's still his mother's fault. He's a child, she's the parent raising and guiding him. I don't understand why ur so hell-bent on defending an adult character that's clearly being shown as in the wrong, and for good reason, unless it has something to do with ur own personal life. I'm not trying to insult u with that btw, just that i can't see any other reason that ur not able to see why her actions are bad.
Like u said, these things are complex, which is why this is all it can take to fuck up a child's psyche. Which is exactly wat we're being shown.
Oh and we do have a background on his day to day life with her. She's almost never home, and wen she is she doesn't have time for him. It gets shown over, and over, and over again.
He told that official to do everything he possibly could with his own power first before just handing his country over to a foreign power in exchange for help. And that strongest guy who wants to kill nobles is the leader of Frontier, an outside power helping the home-grown liberation army. He's being pretty consistent here.
Lol u certainly got prickly, huh? Ur attempts at provoking some kind of emotional response from me are as pathetic and obvious as ur avoidance of my argument. Can u try a bit harder please?
I replied to the person who thinks that something is unoriginal because it's derived from something else, seeing as that's a stupid statement to make about anything
Because he's not on par with them now, it gets mentioned like every single chapter. U should really pay more attention to the story
All works of fiction are derived from others, nothing is created in a vacuum. Manga and anime as a whole is derived partially from Western animation and comics. It doesn't make the concepts in them or the stories told unoriginal by default just because they have a basis in what came before
User-8731350889 - 1710457633
Man there's so many tough-guy strategic geniuses in the comments on this one. If only they could bless us with alternative suggestions for better ways things could be handled instead of just, how do i put this.....impotently shitting on the story like an edgy 12 yr old
User-8731350889 - 1710448661
"Ed: no idea what sosul means, because i have a terrible memory and i can't be bothered going back to look up the context within the story"
There, fixed it
I mostly agree with this, except for about his mother. Of course it's not ENTIRELY her fault, but she is partially to blame. She could clearly see something was bothering her son, but she prioritised work over wat was bothering him.
She wouldn't have lost her job for taking another 5 minutes to sit him down and talk to him, she's so important to the company she works for that the company president themself is bringing her along on a work trip. Being a parent is about balancing work and home life, and she's clearly out of balance.