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284 points
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User-8731350889 - 1725689497
So he doesn't just have Vincent from FF7's cloak, he can snap like him too. Cool. Those pointy ears might even mean his story is gonna be similar.
Dude, it's smoke not radiation. The risk only goes up with constant exposure, not from just being near it a couple of times or just smelling it. And u don't "get" a miscarriage from it, it's an increased risk. If ur gonna be self-righteous and arrogant, at least be accurate 😂
User-8731350889 - 1725657909
That's the way, taking a page out of Mumen Rider's book. It ain't about winning or losing, it's about standing up to fight in the first place regardless of all that.
"I was just an ordinary demon lord, out for a stroll. Then one day i saw a small demon child running after a ball, about to be hit by a truck. I pushed them out of the way and died, and now I'm in another world with no magic!" 😂
He's got a dick, so i don't think he's worrying about miscarriages 😂 plus smokers don't delude themselves into thinking their bad habit is healthy, ur thinking of those "fat acceptance" morons who think a doctor's health advice is hate speech.
Smokers like me know it's bad and unhealthy, we just don't care. We also know there's people who can't stand that someone would dare make that choice, and we find it funny how much it upsets them 😊
Lol I'm messing around, u don't have to start there if u've seen the anime but it's more worthwhile i reckon. U get those little extra story bits the anime skips over.
If u'll look close, u'll notice that a lot of the time he doesn't have the shield anymore wen he's against the guy that stabs him. He's not the only dude on the battlefield lol it gets used up. And i doubt he could block and counter with the shield anyways, the skill gap between the 2 is too big. I mean it's taking him like 30 tries to just dodge.
User-8731350889 - 1725591287
Goddamn, truepurple down there in the comments being consistently surprising in his level of stupidity. This is indeed how fingerprints work wen covered in ink and directly stamped onto paper. U don't need magnification, it just helps to see the patterns better. Patterns which can very easily be distinguished by eye. Look at ur finger right now, u'll see them clear.
It's literally how the practice began over a hundred years ago, regular ink on regular paper with people using only their regular brains and eyes to distinguish patterns in the prints long before any attempt at using it in forensic science or trying to find prints on things that weren't paper and ink.
His name is truepurple, and he has such terrible, backwards opinions that people with down syndrome will point, laugh, and say "wow, wat a retard!"
Lol he's like a plague, u'll see him infecting comment sections everywhere on here.
User-8731350889 - 1725573607
Ooooo now that's cool, that's a style of magic system i haven't really seen much in manga/manhwa. Not the wave a staff, say some words and blow up half a city kind, but the hard work over multiple days with intensive rituals that need to be exact so u can make the weather change a bit kind. Nice one author
User-8731350889 - 1725572459
Man for the last couple of chapters MC was reminding me of someone, i finally managed to put my finger on it. The build, the black hair and blue eyes, the piercing, cold look in his eyes. Dude looks like Bruce Wayne now. I'm all for it.
U might wanna check out Death God if u haven't already then, it's a murim manhwa with 0 superpowers or magic or cultivation or anything. Just regular humans with regular human skills. Oh and the fights are awesomely drawn too, u can literally trace each movement they make panel to panel. Good shit.
Lol dude, he's fighting someone with more skill than him. U really think the guy will just continue with his stab into the shield like an npc with an attack animation? Plus unless the MC has the power to see thru solid wood, raising his shield to block the stab to the neck means he's blocking his vision of the attacks as well. Aaaaand shields are heavy. A lot heavier than swords. It's totally reasonable for him to just try dodging it instead as his first strategy
User-8731350889 - 1725545775
Fuck fate. Literally. She's hot. DO IT.
User-8731350889 - 1725484472
I'm kinda with that pink ranger chick on this one. I mean she shouldn't be trying to kill him, they need his information badly, but yea ur fully responsible for watever happens under the influence of a drug u take cause u made that choice to take it.
Like if ur driving a car and suddenly jump out while it's moving then the car plows into a family, u don't get to shirk responsibility for it by saying "oh but i wasn't in control of it wen it hit them!"
User-8731350889 - 1725431919
Lol gotta love idealists with a cause and their ability to disconnect from reality and logic. "We will end ur domination by ruling over everyone and forcing our views on them! It totally won't be domination tho!"
To paraphrase the great warrior-poet Randy Newman, it's cause short people got no reason to live.
Part time/full time is a difference in contract and work status. It doesn't actually refer to the amount of time ur at work for.