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_Lazaroth_ Neurofez - 1706257742
You do realise an unbiased opinion means BOTH praise AND critique? I've pointed out both my criticisms and praises many times for this manga. I literally have zero bias towards this, hell if anything I have a positive bias towards MHA, I've been with it since the beginning and it was one of my favourites at one point, and the spin-off 'Vigilantes' is one of my favourite manga!! It's not like I have a hate boner for this like I do Rent-a-girlfriend, I genuinely want this to succeed. I'm not sad enough to WANT something to fail. Unless it's rent-a-girlfriend of course. Critique is important, but pretending that something is perfect is damaging to that product, especially when it misleads other people. Uraraka's plot was quite literally put on hold ever since she decided to keep her feelings in, so even if that makes sense, there's literally no place for the character to go, leading to her just sort of being there. Another character who doesn't impact anything and can be replaced by anyone, even the character specific scenes like the toga fight are juvenile. Usually when a character has fulfilled their purpose, you take them out of the plot one way or another. Only certain media like long-running things like Dragon Ball can only continue to develop characters long after their character arcs because they are relevant to the plot in other ways, such as being powerful or simply because of fan love. Where the character transcends their need for development and can continue being a flat character arc while still being relevant to the plot, like Goku is. The flat character arc is a real thing (read about it) and it's used brilliantly there. You know what to expect from that character so you have no expectations. You can't just pause a characters development because it has to suit the plot because you realised you wrote 999999999 characters who all need development and write yourself into a corner. Uraraka being part of the class means she's always around, so now you have yet another character who's unimportant clogging screentime just because she's popular instead of giving that time to other characters, who people have forgotten their names!!!
_Lazaroth_ Neurofez - 1706219642
Uraraka has nowhere near the amount of screentime as those 3, even combined.
There's no point grasping at straws. Objectivity beats subjectivity, it's unbecoming to passionately defend something that is irrefutably flawed. Especially when the critiquer is unbiased. Doubly so when it pushes an already established toxic fanbase viewpoint even farther.
And yes. Giving A character, one that's been a part of the thing since the literal beginning a DECADE ago, the spotlight, I think that's a bit over-due.
_Lazaroth_ - 1706208951
I admit, this arc had the potential to be one of the hypest arcs in all of anime/manga history. But it was let down by horikoshi's abysmal character handling and the Japanese polls and pressure. Naruto's 4th Ninja war arc was an prime example of why having too many characters can cause constant tension-breaking character hopping and confusion, even though Naruto handled it's large cast infinitely better than MHA ever did and the 2nd half of that arc was some of Naruto's best. But that arc ended over 10 years ago, and came out before MHA's first chapter. Horikoshi should've learned from his betters. Instead of character hopping every few chaps, implement a "time" feature like Jujutsu Kaisen S2 did, and keep a concurrent battle until its ending before switching to another battle and "rewinding" time to see it from their perspectives, at least as much as possible when crossovers permit. That keeps the tension and deepens the connections to the characters. I'm not a mangaka but I used to be a writer, it's basic structuring, but Horikoshi only did it that way because the only characters he's developed are the "three musketeers" aka the only characters people give a shit about being Deku, Bakugo and Todoroki.

_Lazaroth_ - 1706204020
_Lazaroth_ - 1706170461
It was my first work of his I had ever seen.
Unlike Satoshi Kon, I didn't now what to expect with Go Nagai's works.
I don't need that fkn trauma again...
_Lazaroth_ - 1706037691
_Lazaroth_ - 1706028056
Denji be like:
_Lazaroth_ - 1706006596
You thought the quality of this manga couldn't get worse, but then the quality of this manga actually did get worse.

I prefer reading horrible shit in HD.

Something bad is going to happen there. Well, bad for Kazuya anyway. I really hope Mizuhara goes for the other guy and cucks Kazuya.

_Lazaroth_ - 1706006235
This will never happen to us and it sucks.
It's not bait, ffs.
I can do bait if you really want.
_Lazaroth_ - 1705914974
_Lazaroth_ - 1705865241
Why do I get fucking death flags!? I hope they don't get in a car crash...

Looks like the manga is going on a 1-month hiatus. The TLs will be even longer.

Hope the author gets a well deserved break.
_Lazaroth_ LSSJ4_Broly - 1705864906
Indeed. Though I rarely partake in such. Sometimes there is gold in things like this, but most just suck.
I'm not just a DBS fan though, I am a fan of all Dragon Ball!
_Lazaroth_ Neurofez - 1705788681
literally everyone played a role in that cast, From Sai all the way to the jinchuriki. The actual politics involved the elders and councilmen of all the nations, and the world was a player in Naruto. But in Boruto, it's a childish unearned power fantasy set in a single nation. Most ninja were engaged with the 4th ninja war too. There was multiple POVs from the different cells and villains and everyone had a clear role to play, unlike Boruto where everyone just sort of hangs around until something happens, villains included.
Naruto is a masterpiece, it utilised it's characters brilliantly. I read it last year so my memory is fresh so you might be misremembering.
Oh trust me, I'm not the one that needs pitying...
_Lazaroth_ - 1705703713
Ever wanted to read a Manga that's only filler? You've come to the right place! Want thousands of unimportant characters that get zero time to develop and only exist to be a single joke or gag? Read this! Want to read a manga that wastes your time with boring, garbage filler?
No? Then don't read this boring 3/10 manga.
_Lazaroth_ Jiro - 1705703490
It wasn't axed. It is one of the best selling manga of all time (7th best in the world) and was so insanely popular it created a huge basketball boom in Japan. There's many differing accounts on why he ended it, but the two most prevalent are Inoue having a clash with the studio and Inoue himself (rightfully) thinking he couldn't top the final match against sannoh. But a rather in-universe explanation is that not only were they beyond exhausted, but they had many substitutes because of the problems in the Sannoh match so most of the team were subs instead of their best players which led to their loss.