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You right, he's the earlier recruit of a... certain black faction? who Zaha calls strategist "because his name has Sima in it", as Zaha says
Has it been confirmed that Rakiel is Javier's direct children? What if Javier is his great-grandpa or further down the line? Like imagine Javier+wife's child marries with Alicia+husband's child, that would produce an imperial blood plus Javier's blood. Even more so when it goes further
Superiorsam - 1 year ago
This is quite enjoyable. A survival (and revenge) story of a strong gramps (not op(yet?)) and his cute wee granddaughter. Unlike the usual op murim elder, he's actually an old man with his reoccurring back pains and has a tumor of some sort, but is striving to survive for the sake of said granddaughter. Give it a go
Superiorsam - 1 year ago
Dude got his fetish messed up he always seek for some ba-dump, that he wants in on being stalked by a yandere gf. Surprisingly rational and wholesome, and nothing too crazy happened yet (chp 10). The yandere is rather open about her being "weird" and the boy acknowledged it too (he's just as weird, or even weirder). Surprisingly enjoyable for me
Superiorsam - 1 year ago
Bro it's been quite some time that I confused Seo Minhye (the Youth cast) with Park SooYoung (Kim Ha Jin's mother role). 
I was like dafuq? Since when did the "mother" be casted in Youth and had allegedly 'confessed' to our mc???