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Dito Destoni
1497 points
3644 Comment(s)
8203 Upvote(s)
Dito Destoni Kirk Beam - 1697665159
I do tend to agree with you. There are some things that would bother me though: My work of 4 years and the cumulative like i get per day that help me wake up every morning, the desperate please for sauce and the easier method of posting pics. The fact that I can use it cross many other sites bothers me only a little. Disqus used to have better features. The sidebar feature was awesome and the loading time is abysmal at times.
Dito Destoni - 1697664573
Let us pray and hold together. We will endure through these hard times until disqus will return to give us validation.
Disqus fucked up with their update again. I couldn't comment for a couple days. Let's hope this is temporary fix so we can complain about and post our prayers that get fixed again.
I need my daily like fix. Hope it's only temporary. 
All those snarky remarks and quality meme responses I would count as one of the greatest achievements in my last 4 years.