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HENTAI_SAMA - 16 hours ago
Thay baron who fled to hometown(rumor) is probably dead. He had a great bonfire to accompany if I'm right..🤔🤣
Staying together with the girl he love, possibly an enemy missing and new renovation. One stone Three hits. Is it four hits? Nobody knows.
HENTAI_SAMA - 17 hours ago
YEAH, you're not forgetting this night ever, when your mother almost turned into criminal cause of you.🤔🙄
HENTAI_SAMA - 17 hours ago
I thought she was just illiterate not dumb. Is she forced? No... Is this the only way she could think of? Is this cause of mentality like ' It's better to be me who dies rather than her'. Rather try to solve the problem miss. At very least, Ask for help. It isn't the last thing you do, it's giving up. I mean to say GET SOME HELP.
It's not like you is out of options, right? Well if she into dilf it's different talk then. Which she clearly isn't. She just wants to sacrifice herself . So, MISS don't do it, it's not the only answer.

Sorry, if I offend anyone. Had to vent this frustration.
HENTAI_SAMA - 21 hours ago
Let me tell you saying 'you smell nice today ' is just for handsome guys. If YOU do it be aware that a fate worse than that baron with 2 broken legs is in waiting list. Remember YOU should be careful.. Hahaha . Just kidding.
HENTAI_SAMA - 21 hours ago
Great discoveries comes from small mistakes. Then what will show up if you do great mistakes??.. I don't want to know. ... I think her husband is still alive. If not then this baron killed him and mc's previous husband too. And if what I say is true then first meeting in the town is not their first one. You know what I mean. Haha
HENTAI_SAMA - 23 hours ago
Who said those girls are bad. They look stunning. And if the question is SMASH or not? ....Ofcourse the answer is.... SMASH the milf..... And her daughters ....ofcourse the answer is...SMASH the Milf.... Let me tell you, Beautiful and garden is the closest synonyms as garden is madeup of different flowers and fauna and the term beautiful is combination of words heartful, love, charm and many more.... So, let it be known... SMASH the milf..
HENTAI_SAMA - 23 hours ago
Oh No! I'm getting charmed by miss milf..
HENTAI_SAMA - 1 day ago
Something tells me she is feigning over the fact that she knows who mc is in real life.🤔
HENTAI_SAMA - 1 day ago
These 10 grand is definitely not mrbeast's style. Hahaha. It's rich style. Hehohohohuhaha
HENTAI_SAMA - 1 day ago
Well if the mc wants to hide, I think even if you have money you won't be able to find him. As it all begin with mc not being able to get his account back cause of biometrics. His all citizenship, passport and legal documents should have older bio. That means the current biometrics with which mc logs in to game is unregistered to any database of the nation. So even if they have the mc's biometrics, they won't know its him. And the security measure of the game engine itself seems to have peaked with no flaws as explained few chapters back. So tracing the guy down seems impossible unless he comes forward to bask in light himself.