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248 points
22 Comment(s)
12 Upvote(s)
Fou User-6814854649 - 1721807176
Thank you. I wasn't finished so I got scared that it might've been axed
Fou - 1721547850
Currently at ch 213 when this finished at ch 268. Can someone tell me if it got axed.
I don't wanna know the story details just if it ended nicely or no.
Fou - 1721398737
Decent reviews. One came from the source novel saying its a really good read. It rate the reviews a 8/10. They making me want to read it rn but it 2am so its going to the bookmark graveyard.
Novel is called "Record of Dungeon Travel" btw
Fou - 1721397915
Moxed reviews so far but more lengthy ones leaning towards it being shit. Some say it picks back up around ch 20. Move at your own peril.
Fou - 1721396765
Nah like someone tell me why this shit be getting good then leaves me dry. I wasn't even meant to be this invested
Fou Fou - 1702246829
i see nevermind 👍
my brother in christ how do you have negative points
Fou - 1701936414
I saw someone was confused about the book only now showing up again and I cant reply bc of the new comment system (sadge).

Just to be that know-it-all nerd, she showed the book to the poison gramps but he didnt understand the language as it was likely an ancient one. She then made a trade with the inspector (monk cave explosion snake) where she would guarantee his future in return for decrypting the book. Likely why its only coming up now. *glasses off*

Thank you for coming to my TED TALK :)
Fou - 1701092362
welcome to the end men (for now). The mass update is over just as quick as it came. Idk how or why we read up to this point but its clear we're in this one together 🤝
Fou Solcastic - 1700133314
This is extreme ac but its a theory.

Theory 1:
The mom was probably harrassed (or worse) when she was watching a movie. My theory is that she tried to become an actress but was r*ped in the process. As a result she had Amou. While it doesnt make much sense because she is fine (or at least seems so) with Fuyumine but the dad isn't in the picture with regards to the family scene.

Theory 2:
A bit less traumatizing the theory 1. The mom got married to a guy who was as into movies as she was and had dreams of persuing that career avenue. With the introduction of Amou, the dad had a lot on his plate and couldn't focus as much on his goals. As such he left the family in order to presue his dreams leading to one of his films becoming somewhat popular. The mom, obviously angry and protective of her daughter as she is all shes got, didnt want Amou to find her dad like that. So she banned her from watching any films.

Theory 3:
One of the issues with the theory 2 and theory 1 was that the mom hasn't yet told Fuyumine to prevent Amou from watching any particular genre/show/movie that could be related to the trauma incident. Therefore, the mom was super in to movies to the point where she wanted to be involved in them. She was probably picked up or applied at some upcoming film or studio. In there she experienced harrassement not only from employees but also from other movie goers. Because of the severe mental stress she was under she left the industry and never watched another movie as it would bring back suppressed stress. And afraid of the daughter leading down the same path she banned her from watching movies.The reason why she hasn't specficially banned anything is that either the movies were so good that she couldn't or just so bad there was an almost 0 chance they'd actually see anything she was a part of.

Sorry this was so long. Originally it was meant to only be one but the more I thought abt it the less some parts of a theory made sense so I came up with other ones. The biggest issue with theory 3 is that it doesn't explain how the dad is not in the scene and why she cant tell her daughter abt the experience. imo theory 2 is the most likely because it explains why she wasn't willing to tell her daughter but was able to tell Fuyumine. But its just a theory. A FILM THEORY. And thanks for reading :D
Fou - 1700048985
My guess is that Reneis mother was probably in connection with Selmoy or at the very least was one of the people he sacrificed during his time as "Moriarrety". But my question is how does it involve the daughter Renei.

Best guess is that the mother and MC (as Moriarty) were doing research on magic which the kingdom didn't take kindly to and so tried to mess the daughter up to convince them to stop. The mother fearing for her daughters life does mana shit and erases all her memory doing so and is later killed by MC. Reasons: Unknown.

Best guess I could think of in like 10min. Any improvements?
Fou - 1699789548
caught up and so far so good I'm liking this series so far. Its like a cross-over/mix of Naruto and Bleach if asta didnt have negative IQ and his hidden powers wasn't the litteral devil himself.
Fou - 1699774349
Read in the comments that this was like Mashle (Mashel?). Thank god it is not as unfunny and unserious as Mashle. Yeah I get the appeal of the show but past the entrance exams I didnt like it. Hopefully this isnt true for this one. Have fun reading fellow adventurers :)
Fou - 1699680279
noooo dont you fuck with me in this author we've already been through the process now dont you go and mess this up
Fou - 1699679894
there we go my guy finally grew a pair and some brains
Fou - 1699676709
these two communicate their feelings about as well as I talk to women
Fou - 1699671919
I would prefer the chapters as whole, waiting isn't an issue for me. Not that the scanlators can read this but oh well more points :)