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Narrator Clifton
1500 points
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I read the WN so I don't know. This manga is from LN, who's story is different from WN.
In the LN: Kumoko is literally OP. After coming out of the labyrinth, Kumoko is at odds against Maou-sama and was doing guerrilla warfare. Doing that by digging holes in the ground, leaving eggs, putting a parallel will(soul fragment) in it, sealing it up, so as to transfer her soul to it in case of physical death(body is gone). She hits something hard, harder than rocks are supposed to be. Turns out, it's Potimass' old handiwork. Killer rodots inside with magic inhibition mechanism. So kumoko wreaks them with physical "magic". Takes out their power source. Turns out, she learned cool technique from Taboo Lvl Max that converts that robot energy to ones own. Does that. Assends to godhood. Godhood basically means a being outside the system and tied to the very existence of the planet. Well, kumoko get new name from D. Now, she's Shiraori. And she could even dunk on Ariel now. Gulle-Gulle is out of the question. That guys also a fucking god. A dragon god. Oh, and turns out D was a really big time evil god. Only few beings in the universe that can rival her. Could be counted on a single hand. D makes offer to Shiraori to adopt her. Our Kumo-Kami-sama reluctantly accepts. Huge backer get. Btw, Kumoko was not human reincarnate, but a random spider in the classroom made into a scapegoat by D, the real Wakaba Hiiro-san. And turns out, Kumoko achieved all this in the span of 1~2 years since hatching. Even getting acknowledged as a monstrous talent by D herself. So she literally watches over all other reincarnates from their childhood. And the ogre in this chapter was also a reincarnation of former classmate. Little Elf loli was sensei's reincarnation. Trying to secure all reincarnates in safe environment of elven village to keep them alive. Turns out, she is tricked by Potty-body Potimass. He is a pussy scared of death and wants to achieve godhood. Intends to experiment on reincarnators' souls. Kumoko be like, 'Me and my homies hate Potimass. Fuck Potimass.'
Or probably another manga
Narrator Clifton - 1705527946
Was just binging this and it updated. Cool.
Narrator Clifton - 1705517815
Narrator Clifton Quad - 1705517257
Nope! Dovahkiin! Dragonborn!
Narrator Clifton - 1705516552
Skyward??? Not Skyrim???????
Narrator Clifton joony - 1705477830
Narrator Clifton Nyt - 1705441439
Bruh, I barely weight 120 pounds.
Narrator Clifton - 1705407812
Is that Fen-Fen? Fen-Fen, is that you?
Narrator Clifton - 1705317604
The great Devourer of Gods has a Manga???!! Sign me the fuck up.
Narrator Clifton - 1705297184
"Give me the 'you know what'."?"Give me the 'you know who'."???"JUST GIB ME THE GODDAMN FLUFF!!!!"