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253 points
16 Comment(s)
15 Upvote(s)
AlocDamas - 4 days ago
He is basically becomes a God after he gets his lent skills back, but the Author put a lot of bullshit plot inconveniences to "nerf" the MC in some way, making some parts of this manga very bad, the MC also doesn't kill indiscriminately, which won't appeal for some readers.

5/10 It's average, you can read to pass the time.
AlocDamas BigManRaymond - 13 days ago
It's a Mitsubishi 2025 Outlander PHEV, an 2.4 engine 4 cilinders and 16 valves, which makes 248hp in total, its an overpriced SUV full of random tech things, there's even a version with autopilot iirc.
AlocDamas - 1 month ago
The MC has the same trait that Kikyou from InuYasha has, which i call "toxic saint", he wants to save everyone, even the ones that are rotten to the core with no point of return, and that's why the majority of InuYasha fans hate Kikyou, and that's also why i hate this MC, its a trope that fits no one well, none of the heroic or villain archetypes can "vibe" with this trait well because the nature of the trait itself, which is disturbingly paradoxical.
AlocDamas - 3 months ago
All chapters are pretty much her kicking him in his face or rubbing her pantyhosed feet on his face, at least they kiss each other now and then, but its pretty much a fetish 4koma manga that has softcore bdsm.
AlocDamas - 4 months ago
Its gold, but not 24 karat gold.
It`s basically the same plot of John Wick, except there's no exaltation/grandiose regarding his reputation, in fact, his reputation pretty much faded away, the enemies did way more than "steal his car and kill his dog", and that's why its not 24 karat gold, the author tried to make a John Wick-esque but the pace is so slow there's barely action, its just chit-chat, plotting, edgyness and a lot of tyranny show offs. His daughter learning what he knew in fighting contributed nothing to the story, she beat a handful of goons and then died, which just pissed me off because "if you show something, do something meaningful with what you showed". The plot itself is great and highly recommended, but the pace is very slow.
AlocDamas - 4 months ago
There`s a saying one of my friends said one day: "God invented cousins so we don`t fuck our sisters"
AlocDamas - 5 months ago
This is "If moistcritical was unfunny and an overpower necromancer", I'm gonna make this review a bit more different than the others I do:

- Good art
- Dynamic fights
- The skellies have good design
- The dungeons are very recognizable and not so repetitive like other series of the same genre

-MC has the personality of a door, thus not having an ounce of sympathy for him
-The FML is useless, she is basically a radar for invisible foes and literally just gets carried
-He's so overpower that there's no sense of progression, the first BBEG was a literal god and he wounded him when he was a low level
-Everyone's else power looks like absolute garbage in a unbelievable way, there are classes that have the same grade as his class that does not have the same output in damage/power, his class is overpower for the sake of being overpower.
-He still uses his pajamas (white plain shirt and black pants) to fight

Conclusion, if you want to see a cheated NPC grinding mobs and arrogant young masters getting defeated by him. this is for you.

For me, its a 6/10 its a good read if you have nothing better to read.
AlocDamas Minagoroshi - 6 months ago
"Characters can't be smarter than their author"

Absolutely true, in some series you can see the author never seen the very profession of a character or nationality and goes for stereotypes or common tropes seen in movies. IIRC I've seen a manhua about a doctor that dies and goes to another world, the very first chapter the doctors try to reanimate him with a defibrillator which is used to REDUCE the heart rate and not reanimate from a flat line, then, soon as he steps in on the other world, he meets a girl that is bitten by a snake or something, he tries to suck the local of the bite/stung location which is a myth debunked by AGES ago, I have very basic knowledge in medicine and just that made me irk out and drop the series.
AlocDamas - 8 months ago
This is a great introduction to cultivation stories and reincarnation in general, and Its what a great Shounen should be. This may be strange or even a hot take, but i consider this series a "Naruto done right" because every valuable lesson Naruto "teaches" this Series also teaches but better with the exception of "how to get over a loss of someone dear", this is the only thing this Manhwa doesn't teaches well because after certain point, you have the power to bring back people to life. All the teachings, like "hard work surpasses innate talent" ACTUALLY happens here instead of being hypocritical all the time, literally, Nie Li take his friends, teaches them, and they all walk together side by side instead of hegemonically like in Naruto, which his friends doubles power but Naruto and Sasuke get a 10 to 50 times boost in power, and i'm still pissed by Neji's death to this very day.

Rare 10/10 for me
AlocDamas - 10 months ago
People that came from the novel will find this abhorrent, but people that is only here for the manhua and never read the novel, its 6 to 7 out of 10... only the Aquamarine arc, after he takes off to space, it becomes a "side-quest fest/monotonous secondary characters/unimportant NPC focus" bullshit, just becomes 5 to 4 out of 10, i was also expecting more of the Mechanic profession, not just a techwear blacksmith.
AlocDamas - 1 year ago
This manhua in a nutshell:
AlocDamas - 1 year ago
I fucking hate this fucking ghost, holy shit,, i've never hated mini-companions, in fact i love them, specially the Old Demon from Martial Peak which IMO is the best mini-companion in any series i've seen so far, but this ghost here is just a demon on the shoulder and its just to vomit the narrative, i VERY hope he get better in the future chapters
AlocDamas - 1 year ago
AINTNOWAY he healed his chest to turn it into boobs lmao
AlocDamas - 1 year ago
Throwing the golden egg at Salazar in Resident Evil 4 Remake be like:
AlocDamas - 1 year ago
This manga is bad because its consistently mediocre in every aspect except the art, there is no character presentation besides the maid and the mc, you don't even know how many people are on mc's party, the rest of this manga is constantly underwhelming, no decisions have weight, characters literally act like bad actors in a homemade production, there is no tension, pretty much ALL the human enemies have the bandit/goon stereotyped face with ssj3-like eyebrows and are instantly defeated, plot sucks, world building is garbage, power system is impossible to measure and even comprehend, the "least worst" part of this manga was him fus ro dah'ing one of his half brothers to the river which is chapter one and that's it, only the art is redeemable. 4/10 because of the art.