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84 points
457 Comment(s)
797 Upvote(s)
Joho - 1717824609
Holy shit this guy is hardcore, what not having sex in a kingdom full of hot thots does to a motherfucker
Joho - 1717817340
So he's gonna act like dickhead? Why is he mad at the status window too? Dude you're just trash don't need to get mad at others. But oh well not interested in continuing to read this any further
Anger and fear cause people to do dumb stuff, the tower leader is already angry now he has to fear that the mc who has countless connections with high up people will go after him. And that the mc now knows that hes responsible for great calamities aka game events
Joho MikeSanders90 - 1717534463
She's dead already though
Joho ModernAgnarr - 1717534373
Probably has something to do with dokja, the enemy constellations are probably getting wary of him since he beat an Eldritch constellation and want to get rid of him before he grows fully.
Demon king palace is probably the best place to fully descend while not suffering. After they did say last chapter that demon kings are just constellations that stay in the mortal world rather then ascend.
Joho - 1717485520
It's always the interesting mangas that gets cancelled, meanwhile there's isekai trash with hundreds of chapters out ggere
Joho XCanG - 1717460834
They're still on the growing period, remember that all of them are main character and antagonist material.
Dude it's a comparison of how even she' a bad commander, now don't respond back, not interested in talking to fools
The hell you're talking about? The blob of mass was thrown right this chapter not when she was a child
Joho Demonh8 - 1717174991
Brother sorry to break it to you but the cartel is the main factor for corruption in Mexico, even politicians fear them. And when the politicians steal they already part of the cartel, and give money to them tok
Joho Potato - 1717099118
Contracts aren't fair to begin with, a contract always gonna benefit a person more then the other.
Joho User-9868144379 - 1717098892
Have u not read past chapters? It's implied that the wife can't have children anymore. Heck some are even theorizing that their plan is to have a kid with the daughter
Joho Ghetoknight - 1717047294
Seems like you don't even get the reason he became a royal mage. It was to prove that commoners are capable just like nobles. And everything mc accomplished was regress and halt his own progress. They are bad skills for him, because like he said he has terrible affinity with it. It's like a man with no arms trying to learn sign language.

You keep defending the mc, but it's clear that he bent over for the nobles, why else would he stop his usage of offensive magic and use support skills. If mc truly wanted to cause a change then he would have allowed the prince to keep getting beaten up on lower floors instead he learned a full set of skills that are useless to him just to pamper the prince even more.

Now this is my last comment cause honestly you're dick sucking for this mc is crazy, I've heard of people who fall for fictional characters but witnessing one myself is actually scary. Id recommend you to try and experience more life before you go the point of no return.
Good day to you weird ass guy
Joho Ghetoknight - 1717018331
Wrote a whole essay to justify the mc bending over for the nobles. He didn't try anything he is a an extremely capable mage attacker and just because ethe spoiled lil prince said so, he gave up and learned a completely bad set of skills. He could have shown how amazing he was and that would've opened faster the eyes of the king.
The whole point of him being a royal mage was to show that commoners were capable of accomplishing great things just like the nobles. Yet mc instead show them he wasn't much, if a written paper of how to clear the 30th floor was enough to change the kings mind, then imagined if mc had always used his real capabilities and actually trained the spoiled prince.
You can suck the mc dick all u want but he fumbled hard. It's like an extremely talented fighter is sent as bodyguard and self defense teacher, but instead he was made to do laundry by the person you're supposed to teach and protect. Stupidity at its finest
Joho - 1716941500
Damn so wholesome
Joho - 1716928600
Dang so his aura is also reaching divinity levels?
Joho - 1716698154
Lol what an embarrassment of an mc then. He tried to change the way the royal court worked but what did he do? He straight up bent over for them and allowed them to use him like some cumdump. Shameful behavior
Joho - 1716696723
Nah mc is retarded, why the hell would u be stupid enough to follow the dumb prince orders?
Joho DMat (NPC) - 1716652819
You dumb? That's the best kind of writing. Cause leaving it up to the readers/watchers assumptions will always be more exciting then what most writers can come up with. There's a reason why good stories don't explain everything. Fromsoft games are a good example, mystery novels, scary movies.
The greatest stories are the ones that allow a person to think and imagine more.