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Radical Secularism
57 points
5 Comment(s)
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Radical Secularism - 1727105321
Idk, you make a plot where the MC has, and gains power unseen in the fantasy world. This overpowerness has to be balanced for the sake of interesting storyline. But then how do you balance insanely overpowered main character? You either make him face even more overpowered opponents or the MC makes a fatal mistake where he/she has a hard time recovering from. In this case its a bit of both, perhaps more the latter two. The author might use as an excuse for the making of this mistake, the main character cockiness, arrogance so to speak. But stupidity has a limit of making sense, plotwise. You are telling me, the author, sent MC in his dilemma, just because he he is overconfident? Even though, he is someone who has lived 80 years on, reached heights even his own world what considers, the peaks of martial arts? It's not a emotional mistake either, just, utterly, arrogance. I dont know how to feel about this plot development. I guess its one of the many flaws this manhwa has, but rather than stating the flaws, maybe I should just look at the great things this manhwa has and will offer...
Radical Secularism - 1717595220

Would you please expand why you think the world building is any great?
As a minecraft modded MMORPG player i must include myself in this comment section so the voices of my minority could be heard.
Radical Secularism - 1710078878
isnt 0,03 mm too little to penerate basically any blood vessels, or skin in general? Because if I searched it right, the thickness of your upper skin (epidermis) on your wirst is around 0,6 to 1,4 mm according to the NIH?