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nixikuro(0010 0000)
942 points
220 Comment(s)
90 Upvote(s)
All in the technicalities
Don't. Speed is always better than quality, because quality usually happens anyways, or it wasn't worth it in the first place
nixikuro(0010 0000) Joker - 7 months ago
When did I say I was Christian? I very simply don't care. Whatever controls reality has not been kind, but it hasn't been as unkind as it could be and I can live with that.
nixikuro(0010 0000) Joker - 7 months ago
Ah yes. I would love to watch a bunch of videos that basically contain different versions of you circle jerking or arguing with each other.
On webtoons it's the the hybrid. I think the translators just wack
nixikuro(0010 0000) Quad - 7 months ago
Yeah it seems like one of those games with a fucl ton of investment. Also it's the top 32(chapter 1 or 2)-5 cause they dipped so 27 players tot
Fun fact:you pop is know as throber, because it throbs around the circle
Good thing this isn't every manga then. Consider this: you had to wait to read it simply because of the time it takes to think, write, draw, colour, release, translate, typeset and clean, release again, and then be added to this site over 50+ chaps that take place over a real life whole month in the course of year, and the whole time the Arthur has to deal with Lil shits that don't care for his world building and story he's trying to make and only want a shallow quick release manga with only cool fight scenes. And what's crazy is that he's provided these fight scebe but we the people stealing his money by pirating beleive that he deserves our ridicule cause he wants to take his story in his own direction?
What would you do if he stopped making fight scenes? Riot?
nixikuro(0010 0000) Bro - 7 months ago
Yes, as with almost every manga that goes over 50 chaps it most likely has a novel. It also has large amounts of world building if it doesn't want to be a shit story. How many people in the comments. Understand this? Not a lot
Its not like theres been world building happening or anything
Yet you read through it all without dropping it as if it's some big surprise?
You are aware that a large portion of readers who comment a complaint are just that right? Nobodies who seem to think their opinion changes anything. Malt
So the thing about different kinds of neckprotectors is the same as any Armour, but its inherently more dangerous to be hit there. Chain mail is meant for light slashing weapons, anything that carries more force can damage your through. This combined with chain mail being expensive as balls means that it was usually leather with maybe a few metal strips(plate mail or reinforced leather Armour essentially) or some kinda cloth thing that could cushion blows. If you had money then your going to want more protection and are likely a knight, who generally have solid plate mail peices fitted into their Armour for this purpose. Which due the nature of plate mail makes it weak at the sides(just in case you ever gotta fight one)
The reason why most manga have them is one:aesthetics as you pointed out, 2 : aneck gaird is a nice compromise between a half face mask and nothing to protect the face without a helmet, and E: IT IS STILL USED TO TODAY IN OCCUPATIONS THAT DEAL IN HIGHLY DANGEROUS ENVIROMENTS( fire fighters, cops, and bomb squads all use them because they been proven for hundreds of year to be affective
The reason why it's not more common is not everybody is a fucking nerd.
I think he's going to Terraform the earth. Some T.A Barron avalon world tree type shit
Yea, good if your already armored af but other wise lighter is generally better