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Gwyn lord of cinder
1500 points
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271 Upvote(s)
im not defending the dad he is a piece of shit no doubt about it im saying its the moms fault for letting him into their home in the first place people tend to get into relationships without the children's consent the mom didnt listen to yami and didnt care about her opinion .The dad is a piece of shit but unfortunately and its fucked to say he has no obligation to stay yami isnt his biological daughter honestly im glad he left hes out of yami life god willing for good she should have just been happy with yami and her but no the mom wants to be a victim and left her daughter to fend for herself in the most fucked up way possible
that's true but the carnival chapter she thought Hikari's crush's name was ta kun or something she's outright lying or fainting ignorance or she didn't care enough to listen to Hikari if she did this all could have been avoided but i also don't really like yuu like someone said if he did really liked hikari it not take some skin ship for him to fall for yami .Hikari specifically invted him if he knew yami went to school there if thats inaccurate sorry im pretty sure he knows yami goes there anyway he goes off looking giving hikari his word hell wait and walk around with her but shows no self-control when he sees yami if he knew she went there he should have stood his ground and invited her to go somewhere else but it almost seems like he only accepted her invite to see yami to have an excuse to goto the school
Gwyn lord of cinder - 1734374868
yeah and mom didn't listen to her daughter and believe in her and tried to stay with him despite knowing what her daughter felt and thought about him she didn't care because she wanted to be happy when you have children its not about you anymore. And he was a stepdad
NO! that's why i said its seeded in reality parents like this exist in and friend's betray each other like this all the time sometimes all it takes is a story to bring down nations and people your right people are much more insane look at whats happing in russia sending young people to die because a story putin has told and spun in his favor and syria where people kill hundreds of innocent's because a book told them to saying its just a story is also insane books cause people to do terrible things and live terrible lives but have also made lives better and people better don't disrespect the power of literature
this is so fucked i hate this i still see a light at the end of the tunnel thats why im keeping up with this shit but yamis backstory is sad it almost feels like she should just become batman at this point but its just so forced i really hope the author isn't the fucked person im making him out to be its just a story but its seeded in reality my faith in humanity was already fading but this story is hammering the nails to the coffin the implications with the swimsuit yami was wearing with hikari is disgusting and just wrong who the fuck writes about this shit also sorry still ranting im trying to read other stuff but this just really bums me out like after reading the road i was better mentally this just fucked me up im so done
then what about the kiss she still betrays her friends trust she knows hikari is inviting specificality him she could have just left school when she saw him or better yet tell him the situation and fight him knowing its the right thing to do if she really values hikari as a friend or wants to be with him do it right considering your friends feelings or even better yet just telling hikari about their past and being honest with hikari so she wouldt be so heartbroken all this is going to do is cause pain for all party's involved
Gwyn lord of cinder - 1734326948

(this is a rant)also isnt it kind of the guys fault hikari will be sad so she hasnt confessed but there were signs like why would she invite him so he can walk off and go with someone else he said he would walk around the festival with her but went running to sad girl not trying to diss just have a hard time with Japanese names anyways he went back on his word witch caused her to witness them if he really cared for hikari he would have made it clear to hikari he should have just said there was something to take care of and he could not go around the festival also he used hikaris invite to get to sad girl if he really had a problem with going he should have stood his ground and not went now i gotta wait for this bullshit to update
ong like he gets off on this shit its not ntr but its riding the border like fuck would be a good story if it was hers from the start wouldt be surprised if he was a cuck this is just annoying like i said if it was her story i would have been so invested
Gwyn lord of cinder - 1734325886
should have just posted this
Gwyn lord of cinder - 1734325574
its very sad but could have been explained in like 2 chapters all this is doing is trying very hard to make this sad like dam pulling out all the tropes on this girl would be a good story if it was hers from the start like fuck i get it feel bad for her or else type shit
Gwyn lord of cinder - 1734198738
now thats what im talking about
Gwyn lord of cinder - 1734138337
why are the stances in this manhwa so fruity
Gwyn lord of cinder - 1734123889
the teacher hitting poses always gets me lmao