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379 Comment(s)
233 Upvote(s)
resonance - 1718317698
Not even I, who am reading, don't believe he's a magic enginner, he hasn't done anything like that.
resonance - 1718312238
This manga is so stale rn, he just is strong and we don't know why or how, how high his stats are or if there are any stats, how strong he is compared to others or himself from the videos so we could have a better understanding, the poipois are probably going to be for later(I hope because if they don't serve any purpose I'll be mad) and even then it's shit that they don't have any actual use apart from appearing here and there trying to be cute. We didn't dive even a bit into his class that is a focal point of the story now and will probably(?) remains as such later, and he was supposed to be a magical enginner but someone else is doing things for him, so then why the fuck is that his profession? Be a mage with magical items. Idk, I'm not digging it because I have no friggin idea where this is going and it seems like the author doesn't either.
resonance - 1718295650
I don't feel like he would kill anyone, not now and not later on. It sucks.
resonance - 1718294726
let him die, I have no desire for the MC to have a sidekick as early as chapter 6, an he'll probably be as useless as it can be.
resonance resonance - 1718225198
As a wholesome and relaxing manga this is 10 out of 10, but as a romance manga it lacks a lot imo.
resonance - 1718220814
Never hurt Sakurai-san, because he can become the protagonist of a netorare manga at the drop of a hat.
resonance - 1718219865
I don't have any plastic wrap, is it fine to use aluminium foil?
resonance - 1718168469
Im glad this got updated, a year or two ago when I read It I loved it, and I loved reading it all a second time. This is the type of manga we need, wholesome stuff so we can smile and cry a bit because of happiness.
resonance - 1718165689
Theres truck-kun sending people to other world and theres whatever/whoever is responsible for cockblocking new couples from getting together with the fireworks. Maybe thats one of the reasons for the low birth rate
resonance - 1718164132
Noooo, Sakurai-sama please teach me your ways. <m(__)m>
resonance Not Exist! - 1718161078
Yeah I agree that these pussy protagonists trend overstayed its welcome by some years and are as trash as cultivation tropes, but tomboys are fire.
resonance - 1718158804
Lets all share what we would do if we went back in time so if it somehow happens we get a lot of options. From the top of my head I think there wouldnt be much I could do, I was born in the year 2000, I would invest in some CSGO skins, cases and the stickers from Katowice 2014, I would try to buy bitcoin way before 2014 but I have no idea how I would that as a kid/preteen because my family isnt poor and never went hungry, but Im not sure I would have a way to get enough money. Then I would sell a small bit of BTC or stickers to buy some more crypto that would go up and get some money to make my quality of life better so I could go to a Gym and etc. Then I would try to abuse of the GameStop stocks and I have no idea of what else to do, I'm not that ambitious, so if I could buy my own house/apartment and live comfortably for the rest of my life I have no need for a super expensive car, expensive clothes, watches and most of my money would go into taking better care of myself and my health....But without a doubt if I went back in time the best way to become as rich as possible would be to scam people. There's been always so many scams out there and now knowing the ones that got away scotfree its mind boggling how easy it was, not that I would do it, its disgusting.
resonance - 1718132108
what a short and half-assed chapter
resonance - 1718131377
6 months of wait for less than 20 chapters with 13 pages, fuck this shit.
resonance - 1718077065
I'll bookmark because the synopsis sounded awesome in my head and I got a bit hyped, but aint no way I've reading only 33ch, that aint even enough to make me forget about the dread of living
resonance Ukelela - 1718022822
No, thanks for asking tho.
resonance - 1717772189
Im so glad this didnt end in a cliffhanger and we got the best possible outcome imo, fuck them up. I cant wait for more chapters