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AlexK Glasses Person - 1713514248
Ok lets be real, MC could just beat everyone up, kill this bitch and the king, reveal he's position as the crown prince, since he's the first born, Get all the power to the royal family, then get some relaiable support, like he's little sister, father, mother, iris, tia, etc... then just reign as a king in name only, lazying around as much he wants, while he's friend and family does the work lol, yup its a impossible feat, but for MC and he's insane OP magic, its just a walk on the park for him, plus he can what all the capital and easily eliminate any treath. So its damn easy for him.
AlexK CHENGUE - 1712743188
Traitor ? You mean a piece of shit beast folk traitor will appear ?
AlexK Glasses Person - 1712288914
who cares ? Not like she ever act like one, besides she try to kill him two times already that we know it, one when he was born and one as shiva. Besides MC have a real mom on he's house so i doubt he will even care to chop her head off.
AlexK Master Geass - 1712288760
Yeah but MC magic is still active, so he can just ''boom'' her head any time he want it.
AlexK - 1710468273
Best character from this story, even our lazy MC can't beat her lol
AlexK Wh0kn0w5 - 1710380624
Thats why he lost her, thats just a big loser for you, he should had being the loayal dog if he really like her and want to stay with her.
AlexK HateMe - 1708850623
I think everyone knows that already, but yeah og heroine sould had already been gone from that bitch
AlexK Potato - 1706158224
i don't think gender has any meaning in this type of situation, either be woman, man, or whatever, no one deserved to be abused for no reason like that.
AlexK YeetMcskeet - 1705885139
Was actually pina(bitch) idea, but she did not know the full process and she just told him like that, so he, as a idiot that he is, he try to do it even without knowing the full process of how it actually work, as you can guess, it was a failure, pine also told him about other things, but she did not know how it works or how to replicated most of the ideas that she give to those losers, she also did not give a fuck about resarching or studying to learn how to implement the half asset stuff that she knows about it. So theres more stupid failures like this ''crop rotation thing''that her(pina) dumb entorage try to replicate. Im remilia situation, emi was kinda of a nerd, so she knows a bunch of stuff, plus with remilia villaines buff of being ''perfect'' it was easy to her. To replicate emi knowlegde.
AlexK - 1705547224
Ho this arc is looking cool, revenge arc😡😡🩸🩸⚔️⚔️
AlexK - 1705291074
yup in the end the only good thing here is that he end up with only Lilith and no harem, i think is more likeable this way, why have a harem when you have someone like her ? About the whole resr of this, i was always wondering 🤔how come this did not get axed way sooner ?
AlexK Aj_reader - 1704360431
God actually, king was just a side job
AlexK Cat - 1704264603
I guess he did check it, but this sword was the only usefull thing.
AlexK R Tuin - 1704195548
Is very stupid actually, we all read story like this exactly bcuz we all like the idea of other beings existing, like dragons, demons, demi-humans etc. So why are those author so freacking focused in being a human ?
AlexK Camper - 1704006234
why the fuck are you waiting for something like that ?
AlexK N-Kami - 1704005988
why ? Thats just means that she have way more of self control then the other ''beast in heat'' around her. Ain't she the perfect wife material in this word full of succubi ?