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Requite Raca - 1 day ago
Lol. If it makes you feel better there was a brief glimmer of hope where I was like "Y'know, maybe Raca's right and the rest of us are just too manga-brained and too cynical, maybe it is just going to be a completely platonic desire for the MC to fall in love with someone that wasn't the cousin".

Oh well, it was a fun thought while it lasted. I don't know why Japan is like this.
Requite Shadow-mask - 1 month ago
Lol bro Google reverse search led me to a reddit thread where a bunch of people were also trying to investigate the sauce, since that meme gets used everywhere. Turns out it's from Love Live! Sunshine - Shico Rico Douga (or alternatively: 241651).
Requite Resaw - 2 months ago
Reiko (Takahama) is the public morals girl that always seems to get into "I-indecent!" situations with Daisuke. She and Daisuke hugged in the infirmary just a few chapters before this one.
Requite - 2 months ago
Seeing Yuri and Itou literally light up when Tomoko and Komi came back on page 11 was adorable!
Requite - 2 months ago
Nemo's creepiness is hilarious. Notice that she somehow knew the kouhai's first name, even though she'd cut off her introduction before she could tell her it.
Requite - 2 months ago
This has gotten much more intriguing lately. And yeah, that outside view on the last page is great. It makes Tomoko look 'normal' of course, but also it's funny how she's flanked on three sides by girls that keep hinting that they're way more screw-loose than she is.
Requite - 3 months ago
Kanai even has her very own odango chaos gremlin, manipulating events to help her with Tenichi, lol
Requite User-7899751552 - 3 months ago
Exactly what I thought! I can see the Nisekoi similarities too (Honoka is basically Onodera, as the other commenter noted). But the premise is very close to Toradora! too so far: clean-freak ML with a crush on 'Girl B' in his class finds himself unwittingly acting as house-cleaner for FL instead, who inexplicably owns an entire apartment to herself despite being in high school, but it's a pigsty because she's a slob who doesn't clean up after herself. And the title of the manga is just a portmanteau of the FL's and ML's names (in that exact order) with an exclamation mark at the end.
Requite - 4 months ago
I clicked this manga on a whim, and it has been very enjoyable so far! It has the exact same sort of character-focused comedy that I liked in Atsumare! Fushigi Kenkyu-bu, and it nicely fills in that hole (lol) left ever since Fushiken finished.
Requite User-2802958935 - 5 months ago
Lol he really does look way too much like Kazuya from Rent-a-Girlfriend. Page 12 of this chapter in particular almost looks exactly like something Reiji would draw.
Requite - 6 months ago
It kind of makes me wonder what happened in the original timeline of this. Assuming Mitsurugi was still just as much of a jackass, what happened in the old timeline between him and Shijouin? Since Niihama wouldn't have been there to beat him in the duel, did Mitsurugi just end up bullying Shijouin into a marriage with him after all? (If so, and given how obsessed Mitsurugi is with status, he certainly wouldn't have stuck with her after Shijouin's family lost all of their money/prestige...)
Requite - 6 months ago
Yeah, this manga is very much inspired by the Quintuplets one, I reckon. They're even doing the same flash-forward "Hey, remember <funny incident during such-and-such> when we were back in high school, that was actually me but you just didn't realize it" bit.
Requite - 6 months ago
Well damn, spoke too soon. Just when I thought it was starting to take a more comedic direction, now it's starting to get back to the dark stuff.
Requite Absolute Zero - 6 months ago
Yeah, I just caught up on the last five or so chapters. It's definitely taking a more light-hearted turn than I was expecting given how it started, particularly with how dramatic the last-page developments have been. These cliffhangers (including the literal one for this chapter I guess) are getting so comically dramatic that I half-expect to see the JoJo "To Be Continued" arrow in the bottom corner, like in the old memes.

I'm still finding it pretty entertaining though, at least.
Requite - 6 months ago
I'm excited to see where this goes!

Not even just because of the (awesome) page 16 development either. The whole thing with the 'remote-control date' was the sort of stuff I was hoping to see with the premise of Kubaru saying she'd be the "puppetmaster of his life", so it's cool that it looks like that premise is starting to come into play a bit more as well.
Requite User-4586954685 - 6 months ago
That's totally understandable with this manga though. I can't fault anybody for forgetting the story, plot threads and character motivations from previous chapters when even the mangaka writing it can't seem to remember any of those.

(I just caught up to Chapter 12, and let's just say that everyone's ire and all of the salt in the comments is warranted.)
Requite Black Knight - 6 months ago
Lol is that a real page from an upcoming chapter? Jeezus, what the hell happened to this manga in the last few chapters? Does the author even know where the story's supposed to be going anymore?
Requite - 7 months ago
Y'know, comparing where the manga's at now against the early chapters (or where the anime stopped), it's like night-and-day. That early cringe-comedy of watching Tomoko fail to be sociable (or even just fail to not be a completely unlikable weirdo) was entertaining in it's own right, but I think having her friends and classmates come more into focus lately has been much better. I always saw people say that this manga gets more enjoyable once the rest of the characters start getting more 'screen-time', and so far I agree.

(Also lol Neko, chill out bro.)
Requite FluffyTorpedo - 7 months ago
Legit, it's like some extra entertainment at the end of every chapter. Scroll down to see what amusing banter the Jojo guy has gotten into with Neko and that Sakazaki fellow that always jumps in to defend him.

Their bickering is hilarious and I unironically hope they're all still around on this site even after the Disqus purge.
Requite - 8 months ago
Wait, is Reiko actually going to win the Daisukebowl after all? She's had just as much romantic development with Daisuke as Chiaki has by this point, counting chapter-by-chapter. And I agree that it's probably safe to say that Chiaki doesn't win after that "10 years later" chapter (unless that whole chapter was a jebait, but I doubt it).