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JOAT - 1719487745
Nope. Total BS. Mc has GARBAGE physical stats. That blow would have knocked him on his ass and broken his arms.
His stats are literally like:Str: 8 (+6 from an item)Agi: 4Int: 7
A dude who had at least one if not two physical combat classes, and the army wide buff, would wreck him in physical combat. Lazy authors write stories that are unenjoyable because they can't maintain a storyline.
JOAT - 1719487068
1. What, does he think he's iroman or something?2. How would you be able to break the "shop" computer or tv. By that logic, they could have collected the shop tv off the bus and always had a shop on hand.3. No way thief priest didn't have a combination available in his glut of potions or daggers.
JOAT JOAT - 1719438889
Also, if he got that much gold and xp for the kill, he probably would have removed at least an entire year had he used the sword.
JOAT Anonymoose - 1719438846
Every country that participates in the global banking scheme is "the most corrupt" on earth. Their governments are completely controlled and run by shadow entities, the arbitrary laws and regulations to oppress the people a d create justifications for ending anyone or anything at a moments notice are rampant.
Covid wasn't a legitimate threat.It was an excuse for all these controllers to create a major boost in their absolute authority, regardless of the laws or constitutions in their country. It was an excuse to brainwash the unthinking masses who were taught what to think instead of how to think by public schools.
North Korea might unironically be the least corrupt nation on earth.
JOAT - 1719438598
Man the author missed a perfect ending.
Vampire forgot about corpse explosionVampire bites werewolf CORPSE for bloodMC uses corpse explosion.
JOAT - 1719438270
Eugenics, failed? It's extremely successful. In fact the most powerful group in the world Zionists/International Bankers/globalist cabal fervently practice it while simultaneously propagandizing "diversity is our strength" when it clearly is not. Sorry but all humans are "not one race" or species. We're different like the breeds of dogs.
Meanwhile, Europe is being forced to import the Middle East. How's that going? The West is suffering under DIE (diversity, idiocy, end of your country) which clearly shows diversity is a failed path.
When grey squirrels got into Europe, they should have been ERADICATED. But instead, idiot NPCs screamed my wildlife "diversity". The irony with invasive species is that now, all the red squirrels and native species are dead and dying.
Quite hilariously, "muh diversity" is the most violent form of Eugenics after Communism and the Holodomor and the Great Leap.
JOAT - 1719437685
Ok i got a complaint.Jf MC is so smart and strategic why hasn't he had a chapter where he sits down and organizes his summons into different groups to see what kind of synergies he can find?Why hasn't he used any Black Magician skills?
Why would blood mist stop corpse explosion? It's not like an actual fuse needs to burn
JOAT - 1719437243
Lol so one of the Bosozoku punks has "great thief" bur MCs sidekick is just a regular thief?
JOAT - 1719436624
Ok wait. Kf the author is gonna make the MC a Black magician dragon knight necromancer, I won't complain about anything else petty.
Imagine:Dragon knight lets him summon dragons (or at least one dragon at a time)MC flies to cast black magic AOEDragon diesDragon knight summons a new dragon Necromancer rez's previous dragon into some undead variant
Eventually MC will just have an air force of undead dragons and one live point dragon 🤣🤣🤣
JOAT - 1719433845
MC still has bunk stats. Writing him in as an in situ participant is silly We've also see that there's no "ally" status that keeps you free of AOE skills. So the girl and hostages should be equally effected by the fellblade and death effects.
JOAT - 1719422832
So I wonder, since they're vampires, do they count as monsterfied people? Can he summon them? That'd be amazing. The assumption would be the skeleton should retain much of its intelligence and skills/species traits no?
JOAT - 1719422432
Woman logic .. "resolve this smoothly"Meanwhile, rampant monsters, monterfied people, legitimately evil groups becoming serial killers for power.
Yea, lady, the smoothest way is death.
JOAT - 1719408942
Sorry but NO. MC has GARBAGE stats, like 3 str 4 agi.No way he's going mano a mano with freaking vampires. Especially if the one guy is higher than a low class vampire.
JOAT - 1719401779
Korean knock off Bosozoku will never be cool as real Bosozoku
JOAT - 1719371253
See. Called it earlier. Dude has like FOUR for a strength stat, but oh by golly he almost killed a guy with that kick.. No, author that's not how it works
JOAT Wh0kn0w5 - 1719356542
Manwha really love "everyone is a corrupt and selfish prick" themes
JOAT - 1719356519
QR code? Phones work but guns don't? Guns are legitimately PRE-INDUSTRIAL tech.
Community app is only way of communicating? Um, yes, lazy author, you literally had MCs friend HandyHo on his phone browsing the Internet a chapter or two before (after orc boss fight)
Look, he's L6 and had crap stats. Also, we know items can be bought, we know rank/rarity upgrades can be bought/won, it's HIGHLY LIKELY skills will be able to be bought/won, but straight stat points? They'd be EXPENSIVE AS FUCK if they're even purchaseable.
Should really be picking skills/abilities or items or stats. Whatever his silly "upgrade" option has been have been WEAK upgrades. And no way he's going to inflict ANY damage on enemies going forward if his stats are L1.
JOAT - 1719355636
Hmm they are playing REALLY fast and loose with the synergies 🤣
Also, he should have immediately spawned all bone items for MASSIVE synergy buffs (every could hold a hammer and a sword)
JOAT - 1719355340
1. I disagree. The Skill option has not been "the best". Getting a mere+2 is crap. He hasn't even gotten a new SKILL. Just minor upgrades/add-ons to his skills.2. Not sure how skill levels/ranks work but he hasn't gotten that either3. His summon undead should have leveled/ranked on its own to include medium. If it's something like, must have skill at rank 20, and instead he got the increase at rank 4 due to the skill ticket, it should have been something like changing it from a C rarity to B (which should make the skill all around better). So say skill goes from, "can summon monsters up to Level + Skill Rank" to "level + 2x skill rank" because it went from uncommon C rank to mighty B rank. The fact his skill also was just "can summon 5 undead" is nonsensical. Why didn't the author actually include skill info? Would it have always been 5 maybe it's an F rarity skill. Maybe D would be, 5 + 1/4 Player Level.4. Why didn't he summon orcs and then regen his mana. "Muh expert tacktishun" MC would not have missed that.5. How can he know the skill choice is best? He's literally never chosen anything else to compare it too.
The synergy thing doesn't bother me as much since it's fast and loose and basically a given for any group. Even more so since they also have discord debuff equivalents.
JOAT - 1719354643
I will say this, Korean stories really love that con artist angle 🤣I forget the one I was reading recently. About Gui Feiyang 3rd on the Heaven's Rankings and 9 Heavenly Master alchemist reincarnated 15 years later. That is an awesome con artist MC. Kill the hero is also a good conman story, but different sort of con.